Health and Life (HL)

Displaying 351-400 of 400 results.
Hand Fracture

  Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Human beings face many health problems. One of them is hand fracture. A fracture might cause pain, stiffness, and loss of movement. Some fractures would...

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    Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Stomach might face various health problems. One of these problems is Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori). This bacterium is usually found in the stomach....

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Hard Working During Pregnancy

Written by: Wahida Sabir Due to various reasons, pregnant women in Afghanistan face the variety of problems. One of these problems is hard working during pregnancy. Regarding this issue, writer/producer...

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Stomach Ulcer

   written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat The main task of the stomach is to digest the food. sometimes stomach faces ulcer due to various reasons, if not treated, it could create serious problems....

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Teeth Decay Due to Calcium Deficiency

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Due to the information, provided by the Stomatology Hospital in Kabul city, about 650-700 patients refer daily to that hospital who suffer from dental diseases. Teeth...

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Early Marriage and delivery problems

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Childhood marriage is prevalent in Afghanistan.The decisions for early marriage of girls are made by families in Afghanistan and most of such girls give birth every year....

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Earache in babies

Producer: Wahida Sabir The ear is usually described as having three parts: the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The most of an earache and its infection belongs to the middle ear. According...

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Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever

: Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi                   Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever that spreads through a tick bite was common in some other countries...

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Bronchitis and its Vaccination

  Written by: Wahida Sabir Bronchitis is a health problem in the respiratory system that affects aged people more than others in cold weather in Afghanistan. The writer/producer AEPO has...

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Kids Pneumonia

 Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat According to the information provided by the authorities of Indira Gandhi Child Health Care Hospital, Kabul city, about 60-70 kids, infected with pneumonia are...

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The problems of Children in Custody

Sometimes children and teenagers also violate the law and commit crimes as some adults do. In Afghan constitution, those, who are under 18s, are called children. If they commit a crime, related organs...

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 Written by: Wahida Sabir According to the information, provided by the Infected Diseases Hospital in Kabul city, about 654 typhoid patients are transferred to this hospital in the last six months....

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Blood Cholesterol

   Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Many Afghans face health problem during their life. One of these problems is blood cholesterol. Writer/producer AEPO has talked to some patients and...

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Tooth Fracture in Youths

 Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi The teeth play a key role in the digestive system.  Teeth are necessary for chewing foods in preparation for swallowing but sometimes some teeth break and...

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diabetes in Children

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Diabetes is a disease that affects people of different ages. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system destroys...

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What is Hernia?

Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat People develop various diseases. One of them is Hernia.  Writer/producer AEPO has talked to some patients and a physician about a hernia. A boy, Ashuqullah says,...

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Scaring Children and Psychological Problem

  Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Some people in Afghanistan frighten their children and this might cause the children to face various psychological problems because children are more susceptible...

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  Written by: Wahida Sabir Giardiasis is a disease that could affect children and adults, but due to different factors, children are more likely to develop the disease. According to the information...

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Lumbar Disc Disease

Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Lumbar disc disease is the drying out of the spongy interior matrix of an intervertebral disc in the spine. lumbar disc disease causes about one-third of all back pain....

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how to treat Leishmaniasis?

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Leishmaniasis is a common disease between animals and humans. According to the information, provided by Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan, last year (1395 solar...

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Damage to the Spine

      Written by: Wahida Sabir The role of the spine is the support of the whole body, the ability to bend and rotate in all directions, as well as the vital structures of the body,...

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Eye Inflammation

written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat The eyes are one of the most sensitive and vulnerable organs of human body. If any kind of diseases disturb eyes, they might create serious problems. One of these problems...

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Diabetic ulcer Treatment

   Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat According to a BBC radio news source quoting the Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan and the World Health Organization, in 1395 solar year in Afghanistan,...

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Children Diarrhea

 written by: Wahida Sabir Diarrhea is a disease that increases in summer season. According to the information, provided by the head of Indira Gandhi children health Care hospital in Kabul city,...

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Askaris Lumbricades

 written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat   Ascaris lumbricoides is the giant roundworm of humans, growing to a length of up to 35 cm. It is one of the several species of Ascaris. It is the most...

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The Treatment of Malaria

 Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi   According to the information provided by the ministry of public health of Afghanistan to BBC, about 380 thousand people have been infected with malaria...

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The Importance of Food During Pregnancy

Written by: Wahida Sabir Various changes in hormonal systems of women occur during pregnancy. So that they should have changes in their nutrition system. Proper nutrition throughout the life is the...

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Kidney Stons

Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat The function of kidneys is to purify blood from additional materials of the human body. Sometimes, kidney and bladder produce stones and face the patients to problems....

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 Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi   According to the information, provided by Noor Eye hospital’s doctors in Kabul city, 250-300 patients, who suffer from cataract refer to that hospital...

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 Written by: Wahida Sabir   According to the information, provided by the doctors of Indra Gandhi Child Health Hospital in Kabul, about 4-5 kids of rickets disease are brought to this hospital...

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 written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Water is one the of major sources to all living things. Up to 70% of the adult human body consists of water. With the warming of the weather in summer,...

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 Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi When the month of Ramadan ends, Eid starts almost in all Muslim countries. In Afghanistan, most of the people prepare verities of fresh and dried fruits, cookies,...

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contaminated Water

Written by: Wahida Sabir Water is a vital substance for all creatures. Water makes up 70.1% of the human body.  In Afghanistan, most of the residents in rural areas and some of the residents...

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Indiscretion with ear membrane

Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat The ear is one of the major organs of the human body and Learning has also a close relation with hearing. When a problem affects hearing, it might affect learning too,...

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Written : M. Arif Rahimi   Some patients in Afghanistan have to be in beds for a long time. Some of them complain from bedsore. What are the main problems of bedsore? In order to find the...

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Goiter Illness

Written by: Wahida Sabir Human body consists of different glands and each gland has its specific task. One of these glands is thyroid. Thyroid gland could be affected by different causes. A specialist...

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 Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat According to the information, provided by the physicians of the hospital of contagious diseases in Kabul, about 15-20 amoeba patients refer to that hospital daily....

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Hand Fractures in Children

 written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi     An adult's skeletal system is made of 206 bones. These bones have different jobs in human body. Various factors cause bone diseases and...

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Written by: Wahida Sabir According to the information, provided by the doctors of contagious diseases hospital in Kabul, every month about 10 patients of brucellosis refer to that hospital. Brucellosis...

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Seasonal Allergy

 written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat Seasonal diseases could be seen in any season of the year, but most of them occur in the spring, because of blooming of trees and flourishing of land. A writer/producer...

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Night Blindness and Food

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Some people in Afghanistan face night blindness (nyctalopia). There are two types of night blindness. The first one is genetic which could not be cured and the second...

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Hepatitis B and Food

By: Wahida Sabir Hepatitis B is one of the types of jaundice which could be easily transfer to a healthy person. According to the information, provided by officials of Infectious Diseases Hospital...

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Typhoid and food

By: Mohammad Naser Sirat Typhoid is a contagious disease and cannot be treated without medicines. Faridullah, one of the physicians in Kabul says to the writer/producer of AEPO: “Typhoid...

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How Diet Impacts Acne?

According to the dermatologists, when man reaches puberty, some changes appear on his skin and skin fat increase. Due to the increasing of sebum, the skin of some young boys and girls could be affected...

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Some Afghans suffer from various skin diseases.  One of them is furuncle. Furuncles are a normal skin condition that affects many people.  Furuncle is an inflammation of the skin in which...

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first Aids at Schools

There are almost (15838) schools in Afghanistan. Sometimes some students, who face incidents, need first aids but the lack of first aids in the schools, face them with problems. Physicians say that...

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Elders pneumonia and food

During the research, the AEPO writer, producer found that many elders in Afghanistan face pneumonia during winter and at the beginning of summer. The producer prepared a program on this issue.  The...

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heart disease and food

Some people in Afghanistan, who have heart diseases, pay no attention to their foods and face many problems. A woman, who has heart disease, said to our colleague that while she takes fatty or greasy foods,...

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