Health and Life (HL)

Displaying 1-50 of 393 results.
Motion Sickness

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Humans sometimes feel nauseous for various reasons. The incidence of this disease is higher in children and women than in men, especially when they go by car...

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Family Dispute and its negative effects on Chldren

: children Written by: Wahida Sabir  Conflict and argument are an unpleasant phenomenon because where there is a conflict, one cannot live peacefully. Although conflict, fighting, and argument...

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Brucellosis treatment

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari Brucellosis is a common infectious disease between animals and humans, transmitted by Brucella bacteria. The main reason for transmitting this disease to humans...

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the body's joints. This disease can lead to pain, swelling, and limitation of joint movement...

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Ovarian cyst

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Various diseases can affect the uterus. One of these diseases is ovarian cysts. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop in tissues.  This disease can affect...

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Husband's Violence against Wife

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari Domestic violence against women is one of the most common forms of violence in human societies, especially in Afghanistan. According to the World Health Organization,...

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Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost is a type of skin disease most of its cases are seen in tropical regions of the country. A microscopic mite called Sarcoptes scabies causes this disease. ...

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Shared homes and work burdens

Written by: Wahida Sabir Household chore is the responsibility of a homemaker, but sometimes in some large families, the responsibility of all household chores is the responsibility of a homemaker....

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Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandary Glaucoma is a common eye condition where the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, becomes damaged. It's usually caused by fluid building up in...

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Drinking Contaminated Water

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Water is a vital substance for every living thing on earth which is not only for drinking but also considered as the factor of growth in many fields. Using...

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Food poisoning

Written by: Wahida Sabir Food poisoning is one of the most common types of. This type of poisoning can happen to anyone in life, and awareness of this disease can help in its prevention and treatment....

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Adolescenct Pregnancy

Written by:  Ahmad Nazir Sekandari Every parent's wish is to have healthy children. But sometimes giving birth to a child, especially for teenagers, can cause a series of health and psychological...

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Heat Rash

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Heat Rash (Prickly Heat) is one of the skin diseases that people of different ages suffer from in the summer and it’s the cases are more seen in hot region areas....

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Addicted Husband

 Written by: Sayed Mustafa Nasrat Any medicine or drug that causes changes in a person after consumption, which the community shows sensitivity to, is called a drug, and an addict is someone who...

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Gonorrhea Disease

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari  Gonorrhea is one of the most common diseases in human societies that can affect people of different ages and can be transmitted from an infected person...

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Diabetes in Pregnancy

Written by: Wahida Sabir Diabetes that women get during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes and it affects about 7% of all pregnancies. This disease usually occurs in the last 5 months of pregnancy...

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Hypofunction of the thyroid gland

Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari The thyroid gland is one of the important organs of the human body, located in the lower part of the neck, and its function is to produce hormones for the normal functioning...

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Women's Right to Health

  Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost  In addition to daily chores inside the house, raising and taking care of children, preparing food and clothing, and getting them ready for school...

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What is Meningitis?

 Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi The protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord are called meninges, and meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes of the brain....

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Kidney infection (Pyelonephritis)

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Kidneys remove excess water and substances from the blood through the urinary tract. But sometimes the kidneys might be infected. A kidney infection may begin in the...

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Prevention of Typhoid

Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari Typhoid is one of the acute infectious diseases. According to the World Health Organization, around nine million people are infected with it every year and it causes...

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What is Hepatitis A?

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Jaundice is a dangerous viral and infectious disease that is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one and has different types. Hepatitis A is a highly...

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Calcium Deficiency in Children

 Written by: wahida Sabir Calcium plays a major role in maintaining the health of bones and the body's main functions. Hypocalcemia is a condition with too little calcium in the blood. Normal...

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Dengue Fever

Written by: Ahmad Nazir sikandari Dengue fever is a viral disease that occurs mostly in tropical and subtropical regions and is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through the Aedes...

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Earache in Children and in Juveniles

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Humans can suffer from earache at any age; but AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some patients and an ear, nose and throat specialist about symptoms, signs,...

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Anemia in pregnancy

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Anemia is a common disease in pregnancy and after childbirth, and has many risks to the health of the mother and her baby. Anemia during pregnancy means the reduction...

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Diseases Cause by Garbage

  Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari Daily activities of human beings cause the produced garbage. The produced garbage is mostly accumulated in open areas in most cities and villages of Afghanistan....

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Hand and Foot Warts

 Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi Warts are one of the skin diseases that have about 70 types and appear in different parts of the body depending on the type. AEPO’s writer/producer has...

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Children suffering from diarrhea

Written by: Wahida Sabir Diarrhea affects most children and causes the loss of the patient's body water. Many factors play a role in causing children to suffer from this disease such as eating raw...

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Malaria Disease

. Written by: Ahmad Nazir sikandari Malaria is a life-threatening disease spread to humans through the bites of some infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Blood transfusion and contaminated...

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Measles in Children

Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi Measles is most common in children but it can affect anyone. This disease infects the respiratory tract and then spreads throughout the body.   According...

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Amoeba Disease

 Written by Wahida Sabir Amoeba is a single-celled protozoan microbe and has two forms: one is an amoeba inside a cyst and the other is without a cyst.  This microbe is transmitted to humans...

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Pink Eye

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sikandari There are different types of eye viruses and different reasons can cause each of them. According to the officials of Noor Hospital in Kabul city, 40% of eye...

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Pressure on the Back and Health Problems

Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi There are 33 vertebrae in the spine, 5 of which are located in the waist and help control body weight, walk, sit and stand, and help move the body from one side to another....

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Postpartum Bleeding

Written by: Wahida Sabir Postpartum hemorrhage is defined as the loss of more than 500cc of blood within 24 hours of delivery. It can be said that after natural birth or cesarean section, all mothers...

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Eye Allergy

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sekandari Eye seasonal allergy, which is more intense in in spring and in the summer, is more common in children and juveniles.  If this disease is not treated...

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Small Wounds

written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi Puncture or small wounds may be caused in any part of the body due to various blows or sharp objects and cause scratching of the skin. If these minor injuries are not...

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Pleural effusion in Children

 Written by: Wahida Sabir Pleural effusion, sometimes referred to as “water on the lungs,” is the build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs. The pleura...

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Heart Attack

Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sekandari The heart is one of the vital organs of the body that can face various health problems. One of this problem is heart attack.  According to the statistics of...

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Hepatitis B and its Medication

Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi  According to the authorities of Contagious Diseases Hospital in Kabul City, about 400 patients infected with Hepatitis B are referred to the mentioned hospital...

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Breast Cancer, Diagnosing and Treatment

Different types of cancers can affect parts of the human body. Although the exact cause of this disease is not yet known, fortunately, the treatment of breast cancer has been diagnosed successfully. ...

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Underage Marriage and Mental problems

Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sekandari Early marriage is one of the factors that endangers the life and health of young girls. Girls who have not reached full puberty are not ready for marriage and can be...

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Early Childhood Caries

 Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi Caries is the medical word for cavities. Children of any age can get cavities, but they form faster in baby teeth than in adult (permanent) teeth. They can start...

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Diseases caused by air pollution

The oxygen in the air is vital for the life of plants and animals, but in many cities, due to the destiny of population, increasing the number of cars, factories, bathrooms, and non-standard use of fuel,...

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Growing Milk Teeth

Written by: Ahmad Nazir Seckandari Children usually start to grow teeth after six months. At this stage, children may face a series of health problems that cause discomfort to their parents. What...

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Mouth ulcer

 Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi Mouth ulcers have different types, such as hitting some places inside the mouth, chewing the tongue or another part of the mouth, microbial infection of the gums,...

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Pneumonia in Elderly

The elderly can be more infected with various diseases than other family members due to lower body resistance to diseases. One of these diseases is pneumonia, which is more common in winter. AEPO’s...

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Malnutrition in Children

 Written by: Ahmad Nazir Sekandari Malnutrition is a disease that affects most children. This disease is caused by the lack of food and prevents children from physically and mentally developing....

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  Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi Indigestion is one of the stomach diseases that can be caused by various causes. This disease causes early satiety, discomfort, pain burning in the upper part...

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Water Breaking Before Labor

While a baby is in the womb, it is situated within the amniotic sac, a bag formed of two membranes, the amnion, and the chorion. The fetus grows and develops inside this sac, surrounded by amniotic...

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