Radio Drama
New Home, New Life (NHNL) – AEPO’s flagship radio program aimed primarily at rural audiences and reached some 39% of adult Afghans. Six episodes are produced each week (three in Dari, three in Pashto). The program weaves practical information through drama narratives to help Afghans manage and improve their daily lives. New Home, New Life has proved to be an ideal medium for putting across messages on key developmental issues such as human rights, gender equity, good governance, elections, poppy substitution, livestock and agricultural management, and basic health and hygiene.
Gold in the Dust: By providing examples of successful people, the program helps the unemployed to know the resources of their environment to improve their economic lives. In addition to this, the program helps small businesses to expand their activities and earn more.
Village Voice: Focus on rural life skills and pays a lot of attention to livestock, horticulture, social relationships, and other issues.
Health and Life: Health issues, people's experiences, home, and medical treatments. One of the features of this program is to help people understand how they can help the patient before or after the transfer to a doctor.
Our World, Our Future: The children's documentary collection is for children aged 6 to 16 years. This collection is further developed with topics that stimulate children's imagination and motivation for learning. This set of programs enriches the social, economic, and medical information of children and enhances their linguistic skills. The program is full of fun, and listeners enjoy it.
Print Outputs: Afghan Education Production Organization (AEPO) designs and publishes quarterly illustrated magazines of New Home, New Life drama, which include a summary of the stories and scenes of the drama. The main purpose of the magazine's publication is to further enhance the message of the drama and provide entertaining material to help the elderly understand the principles. The magazine is distributed to people free of charge. In addition, AEPO publishes storybooks too. The number of these books reaches about 46.
Online: All programs produced at AEPO are available at This site was launched in June 2012. The enthusiasts can simultaneously broadcast radio programs and also listen to them on the website.
Media Resource: This center was established in 2002 and since then has trained more than 2,800 journalists in various fields of journalism.