Seasonal Allergy

 written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat

Seasonal diseases could be seen in any season of the year, but most of them occur in the spring, because of blooming of trees and flourishing of land.

A writer/producer of AEPO has talked to some patients of seasonal allergy in a hospital in Parwan province.

A girl says:” I frequently sneeze, water flows from my nose and red rashes are seen on my skin.”

Abdul Wahed Qazi Zadah, a physician in a private hospital in Kabul city says:

“Allergy is one of the emergency illnesses, occurs mostly at the end of winter and in the beginning of spring. Common cold, asthma bronchitis and frequent cough are the common sings of seasonal allergy.

To prevent this illness, workers, gardeners and farmers should put on masks and when return home, they should change their clothes and pay attention to their cleanliness.”

Some people know how to cure their allergy. Mohammad Daud, a resident of Herat province says that by changing his resident area, he got good health.

Physicians advise the patients of seasonal allergy to take hot liquids, and must go to a medical center for their essential treatment.

Despite of that, allergy vaccination is also useful to prevent seasonal allergy.