How Diet Impacts Acne?

According to the dermatologists, when man reaches puberty, some changes appear on his skin and skin fat increase. Due to the increasing of sebum, the skin of some young boys and girls could be affected by acne. If these acnes are small and ordinary, they might be treated by foods and diet.

Rafiullah, a resident of Kabul city says to writer/producer of AEPO that he is suffering from acne because it has pain, itching and swilling.

A dermatologist in one of a private hospital in Kabul city says:

“Eating pepper, too much ghee, pickle, chutney, pine nuts, pistachios and almonds increase the fat under the skin and cause acne.

In order to prevent more acne, the youths have to wash their face twice a day by lukewarm water and soap and those who are suffering from acne, should visit the skin specialist.”

Lemon, sweet orange, fresh fruits and vegetables are useful to prevent acne.