Village Voice (VV)

Displaying 101-150 of 394 results.
How to Build a Standard Barn?

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost In Afghanistan, some villagers are busy raising livestock. Some of them keep sheep and goats and others keep cows and buffaloes. Most of them keep animals outside...

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Stray Dogs

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Stray dogs are without owners that roam freely in the streets, cities and villages. These types of dogs slowly become a problem for the society due to the lack of proper care,...

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‌Bothering Neighbors

 Written by: Gharsanai Asghari Since human is a social being, there is no doubt that Neighbors and neighborhood are inevitable parts of his/her life. Relations between neighbors require special...

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Child Labor

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost The term child labor is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical...

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Noise Pollution in Public Places

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Noise pollution, like air pollution, affects human health. Noise-related problems include mental illness, high blood pressure, hearing loss, sleep disorders, and many more....

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The Role of Mothers in the Education of Children

Written by: Gharsanai Asghari The family is considered the first kindergarten for the child, which has a great impact on the formation of his/her personality. The role of Parents, especially the mother...

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Child Bride

marriages where girls are not of the age required to form a family; brides may face more problems because they have not yet reached the limit of their mental, emotional, social, and economic development....

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Not Allowing Married Women to their Father’s House

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Although the beginning of a common life for a girl is the formation of a new family and each couple understands each other's problems, but; some families prevent the...

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Child Marriage

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Marriage is the beginning of a new chapter in the life of a girl and a boy. However, some families force their children to get married regardless of their age. This kind...

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Preserving Paper Money

 Written by: muzamil Shah Watandost Money is a means of exchange to solve daily needs. Compared to coins, paper money is used more and therefore wears out sooner. What problems does the worn out...

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Earthquake Safety Tips

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Any sudden shaking of the earth caused by the passage of seismic waves through the earth's rocks is called an earthquake. Since the occurrence of severe earthquakes is...

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Saving Water Consumption

 Written by: Gharsanai Asghari Potable water resources are limited in the world, indiscriminate use of these resources, especially in Afghanistan, causes the remaining water resources to be wasted...

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Keeping grapes in Kangina

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost In some provinces of Afghanistan, gardeners have vineyards that provide their basic needs from harvesting. Some of these gardeners store grapes in Kangina(a special...

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Parents' behavior with children

 Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar The behavior of parents with their children could be very effective in their upbringing and intellectual development. It has been seen that the only thing that comes...

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Drying Prune

Written by: Samira Haleemzai There are three types of prune are grown in Afghanistan; the appearance of each of them is different from other. Prune is eaten dry and fresh, but dried prune is sold more....

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Lumpy skin disease

Producer: Muzamil Shah Watandoost Lumpy skin disease is one of the diseases animals might catch—in the rural areas and villages every family own at least one or two cows, the recent Lumpy skin...

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Ostrich Farm

Written by: Mir Agha Etibar Ostriches were wild and roamed in the hot deserts of Africa, with the passage of time; people moved it to the cities and raised it in farms. Currently, people started...

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Making Tomato Paste

Written by: Samira Halimzai There are few cold rooms in Afghanistan. Farmers and gardeners cannot keep their products for a long time. Because the products cannot be spoiled or wasted, they sell them...

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Flood Hazard

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost The recent floods in several provinces of Afghanistan have destroyed many houses and agricultural lands and caused huge human and financial losses. Why floods happen...

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Swimming in Unknown Water

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar In the summer season, some youngsters go away from their residential area for swimming. Some of them swim in unfamiliar areas and unknown waters, which sometimes may have...

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Protection of Playground Equipment

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, and amusement parks are all public places and every citizen can take benefit of them but sometimes some people neglect to pay attention...

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Storing Apples

Written by: Gharsanai Asghari According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, different provinces of Afghanistan have about 70,000 acres of apple orchards, which produce 260,000 tons annually....

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Keeping Picnic Places Clean

Written by: Mir aqa Etibar Usually, people go to parks and picnic places with their family and friends on holidays, but; some families; especially children do not pay attention to cleanliness of picnic...

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Child Scaring and its Consequences

 Written by: Samira Haleemzai Almost all parents wish that their children will have a good character in the future, so they try hard to raise and educate them well. But a number of parents ignore...

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Sheep Pox

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Sheep pox is a highly contagious disease of sheep caused by a virus (poxvirus)). Sheep pox virus is the most severe of all animal pox diseases. This disease...

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Eid Gifts for Bride

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Taking Eid gifts to the Fiancé’s house is a tradition among Afghans. The groom's family takes the amount of fruit, clothes, and jewelry as gifts to the fiancée’s...

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Students and Runinng Away from School

Written by: Samira Haleemzai All students go to school at a certain time from home and their families know when they come back from school. This issue helps families to keep track of their children's...

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Foot and Mouth Disease in Ewes

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Livestock, especially ewes and goats play an important role in the economic life of ranchers in Afghanistan. They use take benefit of meat, wool, and milk of livestock....

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The Role of Parents in Preventing Adolescent Smoking

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Cigarettes and snuff are also considered intoxicants, but compared to other intoxicants, less information is provided about the harms of these two elements. In Afghanistan,...

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Children annoying each other

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Children are naturally playful and their mood and habits are changing at different stages of life. Some are calm and play with other children happily and without annoyance....

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Cultural Barriers Against to Girls' education

 Written by: Muzamil Shah watandost   Women make up half of Afghan society, but in most rural areas, some customs cause girls’ illiteracy. This effect is felt not only inside the family...

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Women Work Outside the Home

 Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Women's activities are praiseworthy in all fields of life, and if women are deprived of work and activity in society, its negative effects will affect not only women...

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Girls' Education

 Written by: Samira Haleemzai Afghanistan is one of the few countries in the world where education is provided free of charge by the government, however, some people do not give their daughters...

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Septicemia in Dairy Sheep

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Most Afghan villagers are engaged in agriculture and livestock. Livestock is one of the most profitable income sources for farmers. But sometimes various diseases...

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Smartphones Usage Among Adolescents

 Written by: Mir Aqa Itebar Technology has made life easier for human beings, but its negative effects should not be ignored. Overweight is on the rise. According to research from the Milken...

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Eid and Reconciliation

 Written by: Samira Haleemzai The essence of human life is related to man's relationship with others. They should share their joys and sorrows with relatives, friends, neighbors, and others,...

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Grapevines Ivy Weeds

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandoost Grape has a special place in Afghanistan among other agricultural products and it’s an economic source. According to statistics from the Ministry of...

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How do Parents Treat imbeciles?

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar All stages of life are effective for brain development, but before and until the age of 7, the human brain is in a state of rapid growth. Some children have good minds but...

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Illegal Trips

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Some citizens of the world travel from one country to another if needed. Most of them trip legally but some of them turn into high-risk illegal trips in violation of the...

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Spraying Apple Trees

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost Most Afghan gardeners grow apple trees and they get good yields from their gardens. It’s important to protect apple trees from pests and diseases; otherwise,...

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Enrollment Children in School

Written by: Mir Aqa Itebar Most children in Afghanistan are enrolled at school by their sixth or seventh birthday and they must go to school every day. Some of them eagerly accept their enrolment in...

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Growing Netherlands Tomatoes

Written by: Samira Haleemzai There are many types of tomatoes in the world and people grow them in different methods. Most Afghan peasants grow tomatoes in the traditional method but they are not satisfied...

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Recklessness during Motorbike Riding

Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost With low consumption of fuel, the motorbike could go anywhere in any situation, but if the rider does not pay attention while riding, he endangers his own life and...

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Considering Hygiene in Cooking

Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar Wedding and Quran recitation ceremonies are held in different ways in different parts of Afghanistan. Most people like to invite more guests to their parties The owners of...

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Preparing the land for cultivation

 Written by: Samira Haleemzai Most peasants prepare land for cultivation before the arrival of the season of cultivation because land preparation helps in killing weeds, improves soil aeration,...

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Overtaking in Driving

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost According to Central Statistics Office of Afghanistan 2015 figures, about (1878000) government and private vehicles are traveling in Afghanistan and almost 4700...

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Social and Educational Activities of Youths

 Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar  Youths are the active stratum of society whose physical strength is capable of any kind of positive and negative activities, but most youths react to the negative...

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Dangers of Pressure Cooker

Written by: Samira Haleemzai Pressure cookers are designed to make short work of slow cook dishes. Pressure cookers can reduce cooking times but if we do not observe precautions, we might face...

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Being careful with the gas cylinder in winter

 Written by: Muzamil Shah Watandost In Afghanistan, some people use woods and coal in heaters during winter but some others use gas for this purpose. If the gas cylinder is not used properly, it...

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One Year Promotion and learning school lessons

 Written by: Mir Aqa Itebar   Schools are the only place where children are educated, that is why the expenses of students and schools are funded by the government in most countries. Despite...

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