Cheese and artificial rain
Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi If the youth listen to this week's program "A Castle and a Thousand Windows," Lalo mama will attract the attention of his guests through the castle's...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi If the youth listen to this week's program "A Castle and a Thousand Windows," Lalo mama will attract the attention of his guests through the castle's...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi If the juveniles listen to this week's program Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will draw the attention of his guests to the opinions of some juveniles through...
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will open a window in which several juveniles have shared their thoughts...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to the Castle of Thousand Windows program, Lalo Mama opens a window to his guests. In the window, some teenagers talk about the consequences...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari What are mines and what do they include? If the juveniles listen this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, the reporter of the castle talks about mines...
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, Lsalo Mama's guests will listen to the talk of an ophthalmologist about...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to this week's Castle of Thousand Windows program, Lalo Mama will take his guest to Hakim Baba, who will introduce the physicist of light...
To read the program click here...Dandaki Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi What kind of food is Dandaki and how is it prepared? If juveniles listen to the program of Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama introduces the world's...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari When was Malan Bridge built and why is it named after this? If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows. In that case, Lalo Mama...
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi It is essential to get the sisters' opinion on the house's affairs, but ignoring the right to express their opinion can cause many problems. What are these...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the teenagers listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will open a window about the definition, folkloric values,\\ and kinds of proverbs...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to the Castle of Thousand Windows program, they will know what sunstroke is and what causes it; what problems this disease can cause, and how to...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari Suppose the juveniles listen to this week's program Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will provide information about the worth of lapis lazuli to his guests...
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Arif Rahimi If Juveniles listen to this week's Castle of Thousand Windows program, Lalo Mama will provide information about what violence is and how many types it has...
To read the program click here...: Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to this Castle of Thousand Windows program and learn about the disadvantages of unnecessary water consumption; they will learn how to save water....
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Anwar Andar If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; they will listen to some juveniles that Lalo Mama recorded their voices on his mobile...
To read the program click here...Written by: Shahbazuddin Baktash If the juveniles listen to the program Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will open a window to his guests about the negative points of unnecessary jokes that...
To read the program click here...: Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama will open a window for his guests about the problems caused by juveniles'...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar Suppose the juveniles listen to this week's program. In that case, Lalo Mama will provide information about the hardening oven in the traditional method and...
To read the program click here...Written by: Shahbazuddin Bakhtash If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, they will learn about how to cook tandoori Khash (head and legs); Lalo Mama...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, they will be informed about Takht-e-Safar Park...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If juveniles listen to this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, they will be informed about the location and values of Qosh Tepa Canal which...
To read the program click here...Written by: Shahbazuddin Baktash If juveniles listen to the program Castle of Thousand Windows; they will know about the problems caused by youths sitting on the lanes, their causes, and ways to prevent...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; they will know the secret of why the seeds that ants store in the ground; do not...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If the juveniles listen to the program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, besides learning the story of the proverb; "Your Chicken has one leg" means you are...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz Listening to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows will help juveniles to know that taking notes is considered necessary to preserve what they have...
To read the program click here...If juveniles listen to the program of Castle of Thousand Windows, they will get information about the harms of overeating. Lalo Mama will open a window about Zamzam Well which is located within the...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; Lalo Mama provides information for his guests about artificial intelligence that what is...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour janbaz If the juveniles listen to the program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, they will get informed about the Muslim great explorer and writer Ibn Battuta who was...
To read the program click here...If juveniles listen to the program Castle of Thousand Windows, they will learn that entering others’ gardens or farms has bad consequences. They will know the southern continent, Antarctica 98 percent...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, they will know that not getting angry while playing will save them from many...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz After listening to this program, juveniles will learn that sisters have the same right to study as their brothers, and they will understand how to help them in...
To read the program click here...If the juveniles listen to the program of Castle of Thousand Windows, they will know that the marriage of girls at a young age along with other problems can hinder their education, and they will...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; they will know the meaning of privacy and that not respecting the privacy of others and...
To read the program click here...If juveniles listen to this week's program Castle of Thousand Windows; Lalo Mama will open a window for his guests on the disadvantages of marrying underage girls; the girls will learn how to convince...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, they will know that cooperating in household chores is a worthy act and what are the...
To read the program click here...If juveniles listen to this week's program of One Palace and a Thousand Doors; Girls will get information about the importance of fun and through the eyes of the listeners; they will listen to an interesting...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If juveniles listen to the program Castle of Thousand Windows, they will aware of the dangers of careless cycling; they will recognize the shortest man in the world,...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabor Janbaz After listening to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows, the juveniles will be informed about the Nobel Prize; they will learn how to prepare lung...
To read the program click here...If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; it will help them in addition to learning how to prepare barberry rice; they will aware of the disadvantages of hard...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar Why do some juveniles harass girls on the streets and alleys? If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; they will learn...
To read the program click here...If the juveniles listen to this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, Lalo Mama takes them to Hakim Baba who gives information about Payzar (special footwear woven from golden thread),...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz If teenagers listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; Lalo Mama will open a window for his guests about a special picnic of Ramadan; in another...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If the juveniles listen to this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows, they will know what paper money is and why it is valuable; besides that, Lalo Mama...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz If the juveniles listen to this week's program of the Castle of Thousand Windows; their information level will increase and they will aware of new developments; They...
To read the program click here...Written by: Gharsanai Asghari If the juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; They will find out why some brothers encourage their sisters to hard work, and also they...
To read the program click here...Written by: Mohammad Anwar Andar If the juveniles listen to the program Castle of Thousand Windows this week, they will know about the importance of accuracy in the assigned tasks so that they might...
To read the program click here...Written by: Abdul Sabour Janbaz If juveniles listen to this week's program of Castle of Thousand Windows; the will be aware of new developments; they will be informed about the history and name...
To read the program click here...Written by: Arash Nangyal If the juveniles listen to the program of Castle of Thousand Windows of this week; Lalo Mama would open a window that provides information about Tila Tapa (Golden Hill) which...
To read the program click here...Written by: Muhammad Anwar Andar If juveniles listen to the program of Castle of Thousand Windows this week; they will know that sisters have the same right to express their opinion on family...
To read the program click here...