Poor distance vision (myopia) in children

Written by: Muhammad Nasir Serat

 Poor distance vision (myopia) in children is a problem in farsightedness which is usually treated with glasses, contacts or surgical operation.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some people about this issue.

Nadia, a resident of Baghlan province says: “I am suffering from my eyes. I could see distant objects. I have to squint to see them. I am always tired after activities that involve focusing on faraway objects like reading and writing. I have experienced headaches and fatigue.” 

Inayatullah says:" I have a problem with my eyes. I could not differentiate between objects. My eyes are always red and I am suffering from a headache.”

Doctor Wali Nadir, eye specialist at Noor Eye Hospital, Kabul city talks about the signs and symptoms of long-sightedness: “Nose bleeding, loss of vision, severe headache at the back of the forehead, whiteness, and tiredness of the eyes, and watering eyes, and tiredness of the body are the main symptoms of the problem of farsightedness and if not treated, these problems might cause to lose the eyes sight completely.”

What do people think about the causes of this problem?

Fawzia Muhammadi, a resident of Ghazni province says: “I think watching TV and using more mobile phones, laptop and more lights of bulbs are the causes of poor long-sightedness in children.”

Muhammad Suliman, a resident of Herat province says: “I am suffering from the farsighted problem from 11 years back. I was always crying in my childhood and it caused me problem in my long-sightedness.”

Doctor Wali Nadir says about the causes of problems in long-sightedness: “Problem in farsightedness in children has some causes. The first one is genetic; it means that a child is born with the problem of farsightedness and the second cause is improper nutrition. Some disease like diabetes, and taking medicines without the description of the physician also could cause t=his problem. Polluted weather, improper use of electronic equipment like television, laptop, and mobile phone.”

How do people prevent and treat this problem?

Samia, a resident of Herat province says: “My son had the problem of long-sightedness and I did not treat him at home. I took him to the Noor Eye Hospital, Kabul city. The physician advised him eyeglasses and asked me to take him again to the hospital after six months and now, he is better.”

Farahnaz, a resident of Badghis province says: “I could not see well anything from a long distance. I went to an eye specialist and he operated my eyes and advised my eyeglasses. I eat any kind of fresh fruits, milk, yogurt, and meat and now my problem is solved.”

Doctor Wali Nadir says: “Problems in long-sightedness does not have home treatment. If the parents see any problems in his child’s eyes, they should take him/her to an eye specialist or eye hospital for essential treatment. The eye problems are easy to cure at the beginning. These children could be treated by using eyeglasses or surgical operations. The children with poor distance vision should eat more vegetables and fresh fruits.”