Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

 Written by: wahida Sabir

Hypotension is the medical term for low blood pressure and every human being might face low and high blood pressure in his/her life but low blood pressure during pregnancy might cause some problems to the mother and her fetus.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some patients and physicians about this disease.

A woman from Farza district, Kabul province says: “I face low blood pressure during my pregnancy and feel that I am dying and I suffer from dizziness, lethargy and I want to go to sleep all the time.”

Another woman from Kabul province says: “I a mother of two children. I suffer from low blood pressure during my pregnancy. I lose my appetite and feel dizzy.”

Doctor Najia, a gynecologist at 200 beds hospital, Khair Khana, Kabul city says: “skin paleness, breath shortness, reducing eyesight, anxiety and fatigue are the signs of low blood pressure in pregnant women and if not treated, it might cause problems for the mother and her fetus”. 

What do people think about the causes of this disease?

A woman from Ghaaza village, Shakardara district, Kabul province says: “I lose my appetite during my pregnancy and it causes me the low blood pressure.”

Another mother from the mentioned district says: “I did not suffer from low blood pressure in my first delivery but during the pregnancy of second and third baby, my blood pressure was low.”

Doctor Hasina, a gynecologist at the 200 beds hospital says: “During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a mother might notice a drop in her blood pressure. The main causes of low blood pressure during pregnancy are Dehydration, anemia, not using foods like all kinds of vegetables, fresh fruits, long rest, heart diseases and diabetes.”

How do people treat low blood pressure during pregnancy?

A woman from Kabul city says: “I am the mother of 5 children. If my blood pressure drops, I use liquids and eat varieties of foods.”

A woman from Ghaaza village says: “When I face low blood pressure, I eat spaghetti and drink dough and I get better.”

Another woman from Kapisa province says: “If my blood pressure drops during my pregnancy, I mix a little salt in yogurt and eat but it does not help me much.”

Doctor Najia says: “using more salt in foods have no good result. If pregnant women suffer from low blood pressure, they should prepare vegetable soup; drink carrot juice and more water. These items help them to keep their blood pressure normal and if they still suffer from low blood pressure, they should visit a doctor.”

How do pregnant women prevent low blood pressure at homes?

A mother-in-law, a resident of Chaharasiab district, Kabul province says: “I do not let my bride during her pregnancy for hard-working and I prepare her medicines if she suffers from low blood pressure.” 

Zalmai, a resident of Kabul city says: “If my wife gets pregnant, I always prepare fresh fruits, vegetables, and energy-rich food for her.”

Doctor Hasina says: “When a woman wants to get pregnant, she should check her blood pressure before her pregnancy. If she suffers from anemia, she should treat it before getting pregnant and after pregnancy, she should pay attention to her daily food. If she vomits, she must eat again and again and it keeps her blood pressure normal. She should avoid hard work more than one time a day. She should take food at least five times a day and she must rest 45 minutes to an hour per day.”