Kidneys Infection and Food

Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi

The kidneys perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels; maintaining overall fluid balance; regulating and filtering minerals from blood; filtering waste materials from food; creating hormones that help produce red blood cells, and regulate blood pressure.

Sometimes a bacteria infects kidneys and if the patient does not pay attention to his/her food, he/she might face some crucial problems.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some patients and a physician about this issue.

Palwasha Wardak says: “I was always eating beans and peas and now I am suffering from kidneys infection. I also suffer from dizziness, fever, and pain in kidneys.”

Sharifa, another resident of Maidan-Wardak province says: “my aunt was suffering from kidneys infection and she did not care about her foods. She was eating more mutton, ghee and other spicy foods. Her blood pressure went high and finally, she died.”

Doctor Ajmal Sediqi, an internist in one of the private clinics in Kabul city says: "If the patients who suffer from kidney infection do not care about their foods, their disease might get worse; the kidney pain would increase; a swelling might be seen in his/her urinary bladder and he/she might suffer from fever; nausea and if not treated on time, the kidneys might not work properly and the patient might die.”

What do people think about the causes of kidney infection?

Shireen Agha, a resident of Kabul city says: “eating beans and eggs cause kidneys infection because they are calcium-rich foods.”

Abdul Saheb Hanafi, a resident of Farza district, Kabul province says: “my nephew is suffering from kidneys infection but we do not know what kind of foods are useful for kidneys infection.”

Doctor Ajmal Sediqi says: “some foods damage kidney and when the kidneys become damaged, they would not able to function properly; could not refine blood and fluid could build up in the body and waste could accumulate in the blood.”

What foods to eat and what to avoid?

Shireen Agha says: “I was suffering from kidneys infection. The physician avoided me from eating beans and eggs and he advised me to eat the apples, watermelon, and vegetables; now I am recovered.”

A teacher, Palwasha says: “the doctor prevented from eating protein-rich foods like beans, peas, mutton… and he advised me drinking more water and tea and eating vegetables.”

Doctor Sediqi says: “in the beginning, the kidneys infection could be treated by foods. The patient should avoid eating pepper, raw onion, French-fries, Chapli Kabab, cold drinks, and ghee and if the kidney disease is getting chronic and reduces the activities of the kidneys, the patient should avoid beans, meat, tomato, yogurt, and banana.

Soft foods, pudding, pumpkin, ladyfingers and other vegetables and fresh fruits are useful for the patients suffering from kidneys infection.”