Daily Study

   Written by: Najia Nijat

Sajida and Noman are the guests of Lalo Mama. Lalo Mama comes on the back of the horse and welcomes his guests. Lalo Mama goes back to give the horse to the prince of the castle. Meanwhile, Noman wants to study his school lessons but Sajida prevents him and says that there is more time for the exams. Noman says that they should study their school lessons without exams too.

Lalo Mama comes back and takes them to the castle and there he asks them about their argument.

Sajida complains from Noman and says that he is always studying his school lessons. Lalo Mama asks Sajida that she could also study her school lessons too. Sajida says that she only study her lessons on exams days.

Lalo Mama opens a window about this issue for their information.


In the window, the reporter of the castle is talking about the daily study. She says that every student studies about 5-6 subjects every day in the school, and when they go home from school, some students through their school bags away. 

Then the reporter talks to some students about this issue.

Sumia, a resident of Kabul city says: “I had not been studying my school lessons at home. When the exams days came, I started to study till midnight and my study was troublesome for the other members of my family and I was always suffering from the headache.”

Zainab, a resident of Khost province says: “I was not studying my daily lesson and was always playing with my friends. When the exams days came, I failed in the history subject. It badly affected me that my cousins succeeded but I failed.”

Then the reporter asks some other girls about the causes of this issue.

A girl says that some students do not care about their daily study and they think that the lessons are easy and they would answer all the questions in the exams but in the exams, they might fail.

Sana says: “I was not paying attention to my lessons in the class and was not studying my daily lessons, I failed in the exam.”

Lalo Mama closes the window.

 Sajida asks the solution of this issue. Lalo Mama opens another window for their more information.


 In the window, the reporter is talking with a few students about the solution to this issue.

Malika says: “I have prepared a timetable for my school lessons study and I have not faced any problem yet.”

Nilofar, a resident of Farza district, Kabul province says: “I study my school lessons every day. When I face any problem, I ask my classmates and I always succeed in the exams.”

Some other students have the same opinions.

The reporter asks about the importance of every day’s study from a professor of pedagogy, Abdul Ghafoor Imad. Imad says: “if a student could learn 10% from the teacher in the class, he could learn 75% in his/her daily study and the study becomes a part of his/her personality. A permanent study has objectives but the temporary study is aimless. Those, who always study would have self-confidence and they would be succeeded in all spheres of life.”

Lalo Mama closes this window too.

Noman promises to study his school lessons every day and he would share the issue with his other friends too.