The Sapling

       Written by: Najia Nijat

First Lane:

Jameel and Shukria are playing quick telling competition. Peddler arrives and after greeting he asks about their playing.

Jameel says that they are playing quick telling competition.

Peddler turns on the talking. A third-grade student, Fatima tells a smart sentence. Peddler asks Jameel and Shukria to repeat the sentence 5 times without hesitation. The children tried to tell it without mistake but they could not. Finally, Shukria and Jameel succeeded to repeat the sentence 5 times without any hesitation. Peddler gives each of them a drawing notebook and colored pencils and the children thank him.

When peddler wants to leave the lane, he sees some eggs in a plastic shopping bag under a tree. He asks Jameel and Shukria about the eggs. Jameel says that he has bought them from the shop. Shukria says that she remembers a joke about eggs.

Peddler asks her to tell it.

Shukria says: “An old woman takes on the bus and asks the conductor that if the bus would crash or not. The conductor asks the reason. The old woman says that she is carrying eggs with herself.”

Peddler and other children like the joke and he goes to the next lane.

Second Lane:

Tahira and Jalal want to graze their sheep. On the way to pasture, one of the sheep enters into a field. Jalal wants to cut a sapling for hitting his sheep. Tahira prevents him but Jalal does not accept. Peddler sees him and asks him not to cut the sapling. Jalal says that the sapling he wants to cut it is a fruitless sapling.

Peddler says that all trees are useful for the environment and then he brings out his magic mirror from the bag and shows a green hillside to the children. Children like the scene and then peddler turns on the other side of the mirror. The children see a dessert in the mirror with no tree.

Later the peddler shows them that there is heavy rain in the jungle and the children enjoy it. When the peddler turns on the other side of the mirror, the saw that it’s raining less but a flood is destroying a village.

Jalal asks why the rain in the green area does not destroy the village but it does where there is no tree.

Peddler says that trees prevent flood and keep the environment clean.

Jalal says that now he knows about the benefits of trees and promises that he would take care of any kind tree.

Peddler gives a pitcher to each of them and asks them to water the sapling around their homes.

The Story Lane:

Peddler and Golden Wing fairy enter into the lane. Naseem and Sana welcome them and asks the fairy to tell them a new part of the story.

Fairy asks them to repeat the previous part first.

They say: “The piebald rabbit was crying. Log Ear kindly asked about her trouble. Piebald was afraid of Long Ear and said that she is suffering from stomach ache. Long Ear asked about her parents. Piebald said that they have gone to find some foods. Long Ear took Piebald to the Old. Old gave Piebald some medical herbs. Old thanked Long Ear for helping Piebald. All rabbits of the jungle were talking about the help of Long Ear with Piebald and they were eager to serve Long Ear.”

Golden-wing fairy tells them a new part of the story as follow:

Kind Rabbit: Part 6

The kindness of the Long Ear broke out in the jungle, and everyone was talking about the goodness of Long Ear and gave him the name of Kind Rabbit. One-day, Kind Rabbit woke up and wanted to go for exercise, and when she opened the door, she saw two trays full of latus and carrots in front of her house. He thought that someone might forget the trays. Meanwhile, rabbits’ kittens came out from behind the bushes and called her the Kind Rabbit and asked her to play with them.

Kind Rabbit was very happy to see that all rabbits are gathered around her. Meanwhile, she saw the old rabbit and thanked her for her kindness to find her old friends again. The Old said to her that now the Kind Rabbit has found the key of kindness and added to kindness causes to bring kindness and cruelty causes hatred and distraction.