Rotavirus Vaccine

: Written by: Wahida Sabir

Diarrhea is a most common disease in Afghanistan. Diarrhea is the condition of having at least three time or more loose or liquid stools a day.

 According to the information provided by Indira Gandhi children’s Hospital, Kabul city, about 75% children taken to this hospital suffer from diarrhea and 50% of them have rotavirus.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some mothers and a physician about this problem.

A mother in the mentioned hospital says: “I have eight children and all of them were suffering from diarrhea after birth and all of them are very weak.”

Another mother says that her baby has diarrhea since he was born.

Doctor Abdul Rahman Jawad a pediatrician in Indira Gandhi children’s Hospital says: “Rota is a kind of virus exists in the environment and could be transferred to the human body through the mouth. This virus could cause diarrhea to children aged two months to one year. The vomiting might last up to 2-3 days and diarrhea might last from seven to ten days and if not treated on time, it could result in dehydration due to fluid loss and could be ended to the death of the patient.

How to apply rotavirus?

Halima Baloch Zadah a vaccinator in the mentioned hospital says: “baby would get rotavirus vaccine two doses. The first one could be taken at the age of 6 weeks and the second dose would be taken at the age of 10 weeks. Both vaccines are given to the baby by dripping drops in the infant’s mouth.

How people prevent their children from diarrhea?

A mother from Herat province says: “I have two kids and vaccinate them on time and they have not faced any diseases yet.”

Another mother also from Herat province says: “I always wash my hands and my breasts before feeding my children and keep away my babies from flies and I pay attention to their cleanliness.”

Doctor Jawad confirms mothers’ sayings and adds that mothers should give clean or boiled water to their children and wash their hands before feeding the babies.