Women: Mobile Phone Repairing Shop

Women: Mobile Phone Repairing Shop  Written by: Aqsa Sedqi

In recent years the participation of women in economic works is increasing in Afghanistan. Some women considered other women’s needs and started to serve them.

The writer/producer AEPO has talked to Hamida Lisani, who has a mobile phone repairing training course and workshop for females.

Why and how Hamida opened mobile repairing course?

She says: As most of the mobile phones have important phone numbers, documents and pictures and the mobile owners, especially females do not dare to give their mobile phones to a man for repairing, therefore I decided to solve this problem.

 I opened a mobile repairing course for females and spent about 100,000 Afghanis on it.

 I trained three girls in this field. Our all employees promised to honestly perform their jobs. The employees get the benefit of their works for themselves. Our most customers are females and males could also take benefit of our services.

Disable and three jobs:

Najeebullah is a disabled man who has three jobs.

He says: I have studied military university. A rocket took my one eye then, in another incident, my one hand lost its movement and later, one side of my body was paralyzed.

I faced economic problems. I started carpet weaving, houses painting and wiring.

In recent days, I have gotten three different jobs: I am an admin in a school, work in a mobile phone repairing workshop and I started work as an embroider.

I go to my school job from 8 am to 4 pm, I go to embroidery shop from 4 pm to 5 pm and I go to mobile phone workshop after 5 pm.

I could embroider about 4 pairs of clothes daily and my monthly income from embroidery shop reaches up to 4000 Afghanis.