Year: 25 Week: 05
Rahim Daad visits Samandar and says to him that some unknown people have beaten his son, Allah Daad. Samandar considers Allah Daad as a hardworking and innocent boy. Rahim Daad says that Allah Daads suspects Fateh Khan that his persons has beaten Allah Daad. Samandar says that this issue would create problems for Allah Daad. He advises Rahim Daad to send Allah Daad to the province and engage him to the girl you have chosen.
Rahim Daad asks Allah Daad to leave the village for the province. Allah Daad says that he is not afraid of anyone that Rahim Daad encourages him to go. Allah Daad accepts but says that he would return very soon.
The Students’ Problems:
Rahim invites Gul Khan and Abida to the village council and says that the distributor of the book of district’s school asks mobile phone top card for distributing new books to Palwasha.
Gul Khan says that he also has heard that the distributor of the books is asking money from girls. Gul Khan promises to share the issue with the school’s principal.
Abida visits Akbar and says that and she and Gul Khan had gone to the district school and talked to the principal about the books distributer’s issue. She adds that the principal promised to share the issue with the provincial education department.
The Child Marriage:
The issue of Ghulam Khan’s loan is going to be exchanged with Nazanin’s engagement.
Gulmakai says to her husband, Ghafar that she visited Nazanin and likes her for Shah Wali. Ghafar worries that if Ghulam Khan’s family accepts the proposal. Gulmakai says that Ghulam Khan’s family is in a very bad economic condition and they would accept the proposal.
Ghafar says to Purdil that Gul Makai has liked Nazanin for Shahwali and asks Purdil to arrange the proposal.
Purdil becomes happy and promises to share the issue with Ghulam Khan.
Gul Makai calls Shahwali and shares the issue of Nazanin engagement with him. Shahwali asks her to proceed the engagement and he would see Nazanin when he comes to the country.
Purdil goes to Ghulam Khan’s house and proposes Nazanin for Shah Wali. Ghulam Khan says that Nazanin is still a child and they do not want to engage her now.
Purdil says that Shah Wali is living abroad and he would pay you more money to make your life better.