Angry Jumbo

 Written by: Abdullah Fazli

Once upon a time, there were two deer, Jumbo and Khakistary (Gray) living in a jungle along with other deer and animals. they were each other’s friends.

 one-year, drought had been threatening the jungle’s animals. One-day Jumbo was very angry with Khakistary. The elder of the deer went to Jumbo’s house and asked about his anger. Jumbo said: last day I and Gray were walking in the jungle and we found two apples under a tree. I wanted to take one of them but Khakistary wanted both of them. a quarrel took place among us. A monkey came and grabbed the apples.

Meanwhile, Jumbo saw Khakistary beside her house and ran to capture her but she escaped.

Khakistary had come with the elder deer for reconciliation with Jumbo.

 Next day, Khakistry was walking on the mountain and heard silent footsteps. Khakistarty thought it might be a lion's footsteps. She ran away but fall down from the mountain and hurt her leg.

When Khakistary knew that it was Jumbo and not the lion, she became angry and decided to take her revenge. She gathered all deer of the jungle and went to Jumbo’s home. Along the way, they saw that two fox's kits were quarreling to divide the meat they had found. A monkey came and divided the meat equally among them.

When deer reached to Jumbo’s house, Khakistary called Jumbo to come out. Jumbo showed regret about what she had done. Khakistary forgave her and said that revenge is not the way of good and peaceful life.