Year: 31 Week: 52
Episode: 4789
Fatima says to Omid that his friends had come to play with them.
Omid says that he is preparing his homework and cannot play with them.
Scene: 23258
Mujibs comes home from school. Shazia is happy that mad dog has not bite him.
Scene: 23259
Samargul looks upset. Jandad asks about the cause of his sadness.
Samargul replies that Qambar wants to start bee farm. Jandad assures him that Qambargul will succeed in his job.
Episode: 4790
Scene: 23260
Akbar visists Samandar and asks him that where he wants to go.
Samandar replies that he wants to visit Nasim because mad dog has bite him.
Scene: 23261
Qambargul says to Hamida that he wants to raise bee farm and he suggests her to help him in this issue.
Hamida accepts and wants to suggest Zarmina as well to help him.
Episode: 4791
Scene: 23262
Akbar asks Samargul if Qambargul has enough money from bee farming.
Samargul replies that he has no information about this issue.
Scene: 23263
Shukria wants to walk in her garden. Shikeba suggests her putting on a warm jacket first.
Scene: 23261
Gul Khan visits Nasim and asks him about his illness.
Nasim replies that he applied his second vaccine too.