Year: 31 Week: 40

Episode: 4753

Scene: 23150

Rabiagul asks Nasim to help Karim in harvesting corn. Nasim accepts.

Scene: 23151

 Gul Khan takes Shukria home from the clinic. Shikeba asks about her illness. Gul Khan replies that she may have tuberculosis and that her sputum should be checked two or three times. Scene: 23152

 It is evening and Nazir goes to his shop and asks Rahimdad about the day's sale. Rahimdad shows him a five-Afaghani coin. Nazir asks the reason for losing the customer. Rahimdad accuses him of cheating when weighing goods.

Episode: 4755
Scene: 23153

Gul Khan asks the doctor about the result of Shukria's sputum test. The doctor replies that the patient has tuberculosis and recommends six months of medication.
Scene: 23154
Nazir complains to Purdil that he has no customers.
Purdil suggests getting items that Ghafar doesn't have in his shop.

Scene: 23155

Majid is happy and informs Shazia that he has engaged Mina to a rich man Timur Shah. When Shazia hears this bad news, she faints.
Episode: 4755
Scene: 23156
Shazia blames Majid for Mina's engagement decision, but Majid says that there is no need to consult with women on any issue.

Scene: 23157

Jsndad beat his son omid. Nasim asks why he was beaten. Jandad says that Omid did not study his school lessons and failed the exam.

Scene: 23158

Samandar tells Sarwar Khan that most of his corn crops near the river have been destroyed by the flood. Sarwar Khan confirms and adds that most of the villagers have faced damage due to the flood.