Year: 30 Week: 25

Year: 31 Week; 25

Episode: 4552

Scene: 22396

Shazia calls Dilbaro and asks her to allow Mahbooba to go with Mena to Majabin's learning course.

Dilbaro says that Adam Khan may not let her go to the course.

Scene: 22397

Lalbaz tells Majid that his two teeth turned black. Majid suggests treating them, otherwise, he might get headaches and sore throat.

Scene: 22398

Mena wants to go to the learning course. Shazia wishes that Mahbooba accompanies her. Mena assures that she will go to the course with the other girls.

Scene: 22399

It is dinner time, but Omid has no appetite to eat. Fatima puts her hand on his forehead and says to Jandad that Omid has a fever.

Episode: 4553

Scene: 22400

 Omid wants to leave the house for the workshop

without breakfast. Fatima wants him to stay at home today due to illness. Jandad

says that he will inform Allahdad about Omid's illness.

Scene: 22401

 Mahjabin says that she is happy to see Mena in the learning course. Zarghona says that she talked to Mena’s mother about this issue.

 Scene: 22402

Nazir gets worried and tells Samiullah that he has lost his son Abdul Qadir.

 Samiullah asks if Abdul Qadir is missing in the village, but why Nazir finds him in the district market.

Scene: 22403

Gulkhan blames Allahdad for forcing Omid to do hard work.

 Allahdad denies this and says that Omid always does hard work in the workshop.

Episode: 4554

Scene: 22404

A dog chases Mena on the way to Mahjabin's learning course. Mena falls to the ground and her leg is injured. Shazia thinks that the dog might bite her but Mena refuses and wants her mother not to inform her father of this issue.

Stage: 22405

Allahdad cannot find the car jack in the workshop. He blames Omid for Jack's loss.

Omid says he didn't get it. Allahdad gets angry and warns Omid that if he cannot find it, he will punish him severely. Omid cries.

Stage: 22406

Purdil surrenders Abdul Qadeer to Nazir and asks Nazir if Abdul Qadir is mute.

Nazir replies that Abdul Qadir's tongue is longer than Pardil's.

 Scene: 22407

Adam Khan wants Majid to prevent Mena from going to the learning course.

Majid asks about the cause. Adam Khan replies that the villagers will insult Majid.