Year: 24 Week: 40
The Ban on Girls Education
Samar Gul is talking on the phone. Jandad asks him about the call. Samar Gul says that it was Allah Daad’s call and said that Qambar Gul has come to his workshop. Samar Gul wants to go to Allah Daad’s workshop and take Qambar Gul with him to home. Jandad says that Qambar Gul might not accept your suggestion. Jandad goes to visit Qambar Gul himself in Allah Daad’s workshop.
Jandad asks Qambar Gul to go to his home but Qambar Gul denies going home. Jandad suggests him to go with him to Jandad’s house and promises that he would not tell anything about him to Akbar.
Qambar Gul goes to Jandad's house. Fatima says that it would be better to go to his home and visit Palwasha. Qambar Gul asks about Palwasha, because he dreamed her so many times. Fatima says that Palwasha is sick and often remembers him. Qambar Gul refuses to go home.
On the other hand, Jadad goes to Akbar’s house and asks him to go with him and visit Qambar Gul.
Qambar Gul wants to leave Jandad’s house. In meanwhile, the gate opens and Akbar comes with Jandad.
Help with Pregnant Women:
Gulalai goes to Karim’s house and gives some apple to Shahperai and suggests her to eat nutrition and fresh foods during pregnancy. Shahperai thanks and asks her to live in their house for a few days, because Shahperai is afraid if she delivers a baby during the night. Gulalai says that she would talk to Karim and would find a solution to this problem.
Shahperai visits Karim on the way to home. She shares Shahperai’s problem with him and suggests him to asks Gul Khan’s help if Shaperai delivers the baby During the night because he has a car.
Karim refuses and says that he would not ask Gul Khan’s help because he had disputed with him. Gulalai insists on his suggestion.