Contaminated water

Written by: Mohammad Anwar Andar:

Asia used to make little pits in the dirt in the street and water came out of the houses with a stick. Paddler arrived, Asia took Paddler Mama’s tired hand, but Paddler didn’t touch it and said that her hands were dirty.

Paddler took a bottle of water and soap from her sister and washed Asia's hands and told her not to touch that water again, God forbid she might become sick.

Asia laughed and said that it did not make her sick. To get a better understanding, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket. He showed him a photo of a boy with pimples on his hands. Paddler said that the boy had splashed his hands in hot water.

The hands are so swollen. Then he shows them some mats in the water, and they come out of their houses to the street. Asia regrets and says that she will not do that again.


Zwak laughs at Zala's picture of the elephant; Zala asks why he is laughing. Zwak says that the image of the elephant reminded him of a joke. Paddler also arrived.

Zwak told a joke: One child asked another child why this elephant does not ride a bicycle, the other answered that the elephant does not have finger to push the bill.

Sound Game:

Zwak asked Paddler what he had brought. Paddler said that the sound game, it gives a sound, they have to come up with names that start with the same sound, if they win, they will also give prizes.

It has started, Zala says fig. It is the turn of power, power says, janjir, jawan, tarzaz, Paddler considers the first two names to be correct,

but says that the sound of zaj has come at the end of tarzaz. Zala again says that he created three names, the nest, the place, the power, Paddler praises it, he says power, he also created it,

the nest, the nest, and he praises his own name power, Zala says that this name is also called power. The sound starts, Paddler gives a ball to a ball to Zala and goes to another street.
Multiplication of three:

Nazeer told Huma that he bought a lot of these charms, but Nazeer said that he divided them equally among five people. Huma did not agree.

Nazeer said that I had brought all 50 charms from my mother's house, three of them to my father. He gave three to his mother, three to his younger sister, three to himself and three to Huma.

After that, he put all the four pieces together. Then he put three threes in five places, then he counted the same, but he got confused because of the calculation,

Paddler says that he can count the short, five times three, he should use the linguistic multiplication of three, then he will show the practice himself, once three times three,

two times three, six, three times three nine, four times three twelve and five times three fifteen, then Huma and Nazir multiply again.