Blood Cholesterol

Written by: Waheeda Sabir

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that our body needs for good health, but in the right amounts and it’s found in all cells of the body.

If blood cholesterol increases, fat is deposited on the surface of the artery. Finally, these deposits cause problems in the normal flow of blood, and in this case, the heart does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood, and the risk of heart attack increases.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some patients and a physician about blood cholesterol.

A woman from Kabul city says, “My feet soles were burning and I was sweating. When I went to the doctor, he diagnosed my disease as high blood cholesterol.”

Zabihullah, a resident of Kabul Province, says, “In the beginning, I was suffering just from high blood cholesterol, but I paid no attention to it and it caused me fatty liver disease, but I did not control it and it caused me diabetes, and now I suffer from high blood pressure too and I am always dizzy and lethargic.”

Doctor Safiullah Oryakhel, a physician at 102 beds hospital in the Khairkhana area, district 11th of Kabul city says, “Some patients have no symptoms of dyslipidemia, but some have fatigue and lethargy. The appearance of oily pimples on the face; burning and feeling of increased temperature of the body and soles of the feet, and if blood cholesterol is not controlled, it might cause other diseases such as high blood pressure,  blood vessels clogging and diabetes.”

What do some patients think about the causes of high blood cholesterol?

Sami, a resident of Logar province says, “If anyone eats more fatty foods and sweets and doesn’t do physical exercises, he/she might suffer from high blood cholesterol.”

A woman from Kapisa province says, “My weight is about 110 kilograms and the doctor said that my high blood cholesterol is due to my overweight.”

Doctor Oryakhel says, “Obesity is the first cause of high blood cholesterol. Lack of physical exercise; continuing working while sitting and smoking increase the risk of getting high blood cholesterol.”

How do high blood cholesterol patients treat this disease?

A woman from Kabul city says, “I soaked barberry in water and ate a cup of it in the morning for fifteen days; my blood cholesterol decreased.”

A woman from Kapisa province says, “I am suffering from high blood cholesterol. I soak chicory in water and eat it before breakfast and I feel better.”

Aminullah, a resident of Laghman province says, “My wife is suffering from high blood cholesterol. She mixes pomegranate with yogurt and it reduced her blood cholesterol.”

Doctor Oryakhel says, “There are two types of treatment for dyslipidemia: one is treated with food and the other is with medicines. The patients should avoid fatty foods and sweets, but they should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It should be noted that consuming more lemon or vinegar prevents the absorption of fat, but consuming too much of these two, causes problems in the stomach in the future.”