Calcium Deficiency in Children

Written by: Wahida Sabir

Hypocalcemia is a condition in which there is too little calcium in the blood. Normal calcium levels are essential for the heart and muscles to work properly as well as to ensure bone development. In a baby, some common causes of hypocalcemia are premature birth, infections, maternal diabetes, and some medications.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some parents and a physician about calcium deficiency in children.

A mother from Nangarhar province says, “My child is suffering from leg and hand pain since childhood. He is frail. He suffers more in cold weather or when he returns from school. His doctor said that he suffers from calcium and vitamin D deficiency.” 

Hamid, a resident of Parwan province says, “My daughter is suffering from back pain and her chest is deformed.” 

Doctor Zargai Lawang, child specialist at Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital in Kabul city talks about this disease's signs and symptoms, “Muscle cramps, insomnia, dental problems, brittle and weak nails, and softness and osteoporosis are among the signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency in children. Osteoporosis in children can cause the body skeleton in the chest, arms, and legs to deviate from its normal shape.”

What do some people think about the causes of Hypocalcemia in children?

A mother from Nangahar province says, “I had given birth to twins and as I could not eat nutritious food, my children faced calcium deficiency at the age of two years.”

Mirwais, a resident of Kabul province says, “My children always eat chips and spicy snacks, so they can't eat enough food and as a result, they suffered from calcium deficiency.”

Doctor Lawang says, “Calcium deficiency in children has many factors: lack of two types of hormones that play a role in regulating calcium is lack of vitamin D and improper nutrition.

 These problems occur when the child has chronic kidney disease or his thyroid hormone is not working properly; not consuming enough calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, eggs, and not exposing children to sunlight.”

How do some parents prevent and treat calcium deficiency in children?

A mother from Shakar Dara district of Kabul Province says, “I am the mother of 3 children. I feed them on time. I give them boiled eggs or milk for breakfast and then they go to school.”

Mirwais says: "We consider 3 years birth space. We don't allow our children to eat fatty and spicy snacks in the bazaar and we prepare calcium-rich food for them, and they have never faced calcium deficiency.”

Doctor Lawang says, “First of all parents should treat chronic kidney and thyroid diseases of their children. They should be exposed to morning and evening sun daily, foods such as eggs, milk, yogurt, dried yogurt, and vegetables especially spinach should be given to them and do not miss breakfast.”