Marketing Methods

 Written by: Sayed Mustafa Nasrat

Some businessmen have started a series of tasks to find a good market for their products and attract more customers so they can solve their economic problems to a large extent.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Muhammad Fahim Halimi, a resident of Kabul city.

Halimi says about his business, “About five years ago when I was a student, I started a dishwashing company. At first, our products did not have a good market. We started marketing by distributing gifts to our customers and we have monthly and weekly prizes for our customers.

Motorcycles, iPhones, Zarang motorcycles, etc. are our annual prizes, and home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and gas heaters are our monthly prizes.

In addition to awards, we also promote our products through social media. Now we are satisfied with our business.”

 Job according to profession:

How can a person start a business from home and solve his economic problems according to his education and profession?

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Samiullah, a resident of Kabul city. Samiullah says about his business, “When I graduated from the faculty of computer sciences, I thought it would be difficult to find a job in a government office according to my profession, so I started building databases and other office software at home.

I have a Facebook page, make videos from my activities, and publish them on my page. I also have a mobile team that contacts different offices and finds customers for me. Now I can solve my family financial problems. My work is expanding, and I want to get a work permit and open my own database company.”