News Letter

The spread of the latest coronavirus disease, COVID-19, around the globe and Afghanistan during 20-21 has
impacted us all. People's health and safety, productivity, and everyday routines have been disrupted since then. To
address this global health crisis and to help stop the spread of this disease Afghan Education Production Organization
(AEPO) has implemented a project with the main objective of 'to raise public awareness among Afghans on the
importance of preventative as well as the importance of immunization and vaccination and maternal health - stop the
spread of miss-information and rumors with respect to the virus'—along with the help of the World Health Program
(WHO) and Ministry of Public Health (MoPH).
AEPO has disseminated life-saving messages to help dispel misinformation via different educational radio programs
among different radio listeners and Listening Circles (LCs) among internally displaced people. AEPO has promoted
health recommendations and medical guidelines set by the Ministry of Public Health in New Home, New Life
(NHNL) radio drama, and educational feature programs—encouraging people to wash hands frequently, use
antiseptics to clean household items, wear masks in public places, avoid meeting people with colds and coughs,
observe the physical distance, avoid crowded places, stay home as much as possible, and take the vaccine to be
protected from the disease.

At the same time, people are all adjusting to entirely new routines; AEPO research team has visited Balkh,
Samangan, and Sar-e-Pol provinces during October and November 2021 to conduct LCs impacts and found out that
people are turning to listen to NHNL drama and other educational programs than before. The majority of the
participants have said that among other reasons, sharing helpful advice and tips and yet keeping the entertainment
touch of the programs make people interested to listen to the radio programs.

The spread of the latest coronavirus disease, COVID-19, around the globe and Afghanistan during 20-21 has
impacted us all. People's health and safety, productivity, and everyday routines have been disrupted since then. To
address this global health crisis and to help stop the spread of this disease Afghan Education Production Organization
(AEPO) has implemented a project with the main objective of 'to raise public awareness among Afghans on the
importance of preventative as well as the importance of immunization and vaccination and maternal health - stop the
spread of miss-information and rumors with respect to the virus'—along with the help of the World Health Program
(WHO) and Ministry of Public Health (MoPH).

AEPO has disseminated life-saving messages to help dispel misinformation via different educational radio programs
among different radio listeners and Listening Circles (LCs) among internally displaced people. AEPO has promoted
health recommendations and medical guidelines set by the Ministry of Public Health in New Home, New Life
(NHNL) radio drama, and educational feature programs—encouraging people to wash hands frequently, use
antiseptics to clean household items, wear masks in public places, avoid meeting people with colds and coughs,
observe the physical distance, avoid crowded places, stay home as much as possible, and take the vaccine to be
protected from the disease.
At the same time, people are all adjusting to entirely new routines; AEPO research team has visited Balkh,
Samangan, and Sar-e-Pol provinces during October and November 2021 to conduct LCs impacts and found out that
people are turning to listen to NHNL drama and other educational programs than before. The majority of the
participants have said that among other reasons, sharing helpful advice and tips and yet keeping the entertainment
touch of the programs make people interested to listen to the radio programs.
“…due to the false rumors that coronavirus vaccine kills people within 2 months or paralysis or causes
infertility, I did not take the