Prevent and Control of High Blood Pressure

Written by: Abdul Mutalib Jawad

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against our artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.

Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood our heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in our arteries. The more blood our heart pumps and the narrower our arteries, the higher our blood pressure.

A blood pressure reading is given in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It has two numbers: top number (systolic pressure), upper number measures the pressure in our arteries when our heartbeats.

The bottom number (diastolic pressure); the lower number measures the pressure in our arteries between beats.

The average blood pressure for healthy adults is 120mm Hg in the arteries and 80mmg in the veins.

 However, depending on age and the association of some diseases, this may be too low or too high. Sometimes blood pressure is disrupted due to problems in the arteries or veins and causes high or low blood pressure. High blood pressure could cause many health problems for humans. AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some patients and two physicians about this disease.

Muhammad Hasan, a resident of Kabul city says, “I am suffering from high blood pressure. When I hear bad news, I think about it and my blood pressure goes up; my neck arteries become swollen and I often faint, I become weak and lethargic.”

Shamsuddin, a resident of Badakhshan province says, “My uncle’s wife was suffering from hypertension; she could talk for two years and one side of her body was disabled. Her family did not pay attention to her treatment, and finally, she died of this disease.”

Doctor Muhammad Omar Sadiq, an internist and a trainer of specialists at Jamhoriat Hospital in Kabul city says, “The first sign of high blood pressure in patients is a headache, most often in the back of the head.

Dizziness, dazzling eyes, nausea, and vomiting are other symptoms of this disease. Those who suffer from heart problems complain of severe heart beating and tremors. High pressure has different effects on the different parts of the  body; if high blood pressure affects the brain, the brain artery explodes, and causes paralysis of hand or both hands and feet and the patient’s tongue might not work properly.”

What do some patients think about the causes of this disease?

Muhammad Hasan says, “When I hear bad news or argue with someone, my blood pressure goes higher.”

Shamsuddin says, “Eating more salt and more ghee in food, causes the blood pressure to go up.”

Doctor Sadiq says, “Smoking, drinking alcohol, overweighting, used to taking pain pills, sitting and not working or walking for a long time, eating too much salt and greasy foods, insomnia, and stress are the common causes of high blood pressure.”

How do some people control hypertension?

Maryam, a resident of Kabul city says, “My father-in-law and mother-in-law are suffering from hypertension. I give them their medicines and food on time; I use less oil and less salt in daily food and they eat more vegetables.”

Muhammad Yasin says, “My father is suffering from hypertension. We usually brew mint instead of tea for him; give his medicines on time and we add garlic and dill to his food.”

Doctor Sadiq says, “In order to control blood pressure, first of all, the patients should take their medicines as prescribed by the physician and also she/he should eat fresh fruits that affect blood lipids and more vegetables. Drinking herbal tea is useful but they should take blood pressure medicines prescribed by the physician.”