24 Week: 32
The ban on Girls Education:
Samar Gul goes to Allah Daad’s workshop and asks him about Qambar Gul. Samar Gul says that Qambar Gul left home pretending why Palwasha goes to school. Allah daad says that he has not seen him. Samar Gul becomes sad and thinks that Qambar Gul might join again his bad friends.
Jandad Shares the issue of Qambar Gul with Fatima. Fatima decides to go to his mother house.
Fatima goes to her mother house and asks her mother, Zarmina the reason that Qambar Gul has left the home. Zarmina says that Qambar Gul is against the education of Palwasha. Fatima becomes angry on Palwasha.
Swimming in Contaminated Water:
The weather is very hot but Naseem is sitting in front of his shop under direct sun rays. Majid comes and asks him what is the problem. Naseem says he is suffering from shivering fever and adds that the reason is swimming in stream water of the village.
Fatih Khan goes to his house and asks his wife, Shukria to bring some Dough (yogurt juice) for him. She accepts and says about the shivering fever of Samiullah. Fatih Khan promises that while Gul Khan returns home, he would tell him to take Samiullah to a clinic.
Gul Khan comes home and asks about the illness of Samiullah. Samiullah says that he has swum in the stream water of the village and now he is suffering from coldness and fever. Gul Khan takes him to the clinic.
The doctor asks the reason of Samiullah’s illness. Samiullah says that he has swum in stream water in the village. The doctor asks him to pull over his sleeve for checking his blood pressure. while Samiullah pullovers his sleeves, the doctor sees some pimples on his arm and prescribes him some medicines.
Tricky Shopkeeper:
Purdil goes to Ghafar’s shop and says that Ghafar might have taken his motorbike. Ghaffar denies and strongly blames him that he has no right to accuse him for the stealing of motorbike.
Purdil wants Rahim Daad to help him in returning his motorcycle from Ghafar.
When Rahim Daad shares the issue with Ghafar, he becomes angry and says that he has not taken Purdils’s motorbike.
Ghaffar comes to his house. Gul Makai wants him to return Purdil’s motorbike but Ghafar denies and leaves home for an invitation.