Home Products


  Written by: Hasamuddin Hamdard


Mohammad Kabir is a resident of Kabul city who has a puff making factory.

He says: we evaluated the market and found that puff has a good market than other groceries. We established puff factory 2 years ago.

Our customers could get our products easier than the exported ones because it takes more time in the custom house and then in the stocks.

Puff is made of corn flour, cheese powder, milk, and salt. All processes are done by the machines.

We get Afs. 30-40 per bag of puff and our daily sales reach up to 100-120 bags.

Paying Attention to the Cleanliness of Shop:

Each seller wishes to have more customers. He/she uses different methods to get the target. Tahir Khan is one of the bakers in Kabul city. He has brought some changes to his shop. The Writer/producer has talked to him.

My bakery shop was made of clay and raw bricks. Mice and other insects were bothering us and we had a few customers.  We ruined the shop and rebuilt it from ceramics(tiles).

Now our workers wear special clothes and pay attention to the cleanliness of the shop and baking materials. By rebuilding our bakery shop, the number of our customers increased about 50% than before.