Replacing Business Type

Written by: Hasamuddin Hamdard

The market depends on supply and demand. When there is demand in the market, the work of suppliers is also blooming, but if the demand in the market is low, suppliers are also discouraged from their businesses. But some businessmen study the market situation and then change their business type according to the demand of the market.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Abdul Naser, a resident of Kabul city.

Abdul Naser says about his business, “I had antique stuff selling shop in Shar-i-Naw, Kabul city but when the antique stuff market stagnated due the lack tourists, I changed my business type and I opened a small restaurant in the same lane.

At the beginning, I had not enough customers and faced loss but later I informed most of the shopkeepers around me that I have opened a restaurant, the number of my customers increased and now I am satisfied with my business.”

Keeping Skilled Laborers:

Keeping skilled workers causes the prosperity of business. AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to a tinsmith, Muhammad Farhad, who has a shop in Qowae Markaz, district 2 of Kabul city.

Farhad talks about his business, “I have opened my shop about 20 years ago and we make wood heaters and charcoal air purifiers.

We have another shop too but it is in another part of part of the city. We have about 9 workers in both shops. Our income in the specific season was reaching 1 million Afghanis but one of my skilled workers who were making charcoal air purifiers; left his job due to the bad economic situation and his absence has negative effects on our business. We lost our more customers and when one loses his customers, he/she might lose his/her income and now we are facing economic problems and we are not able to pay our both shops' rent on time.”