Ugly Rooster

Written by: Abdullah Fazli

Once upon a time, a nice white rooster was living in a house, and all villagers like its voice and beauty.

One day, when the white rooster was eating feed on the roof of the room, a red and a black rooster saw him. The red roaster asked the black rooster about the white. Black replied that the white rooster is his close friend and he called him but the white did not reply. The black thought the white did hear him and wanted the red to go near white with him toward the white.

When they reached near the white, the white was crowing. The red was happy that he would be the friend of a nice rooster.

The black rooster said to the white that he called the white but he did not hear and wanted to introduce his new friend, the red to him.

The white rooster was very proud of his good voice and beauty and said to the black that he doesn’t know him and doesn't want to know his friend.

The black rooster asked that why he is indifferent to them. The white replied that he doesn’t need to accept their friendship. The red rooster asked the cause of his decision. The white replied that all villagers like his beauty and good crow and he doesn’t need any other to be his friend and he called the black and red, ugly roosters and wanted them to leave him alone.

The black rooster said that the white would be regretted one day and then they left him alone.

The weather became dark and night arrived. All roosters and hens went to sleep but the white rooster did not want to sleep with other roosters and called them dirty and he went to sleep far from others on a branch of a tree.

It was midnight that a fox entered the yard and saw the white rooster in the tree and thought that only one rooster is in the whole house. The fox climbed on the tree and wanted to hunt the white but when he jumped to the branch where the white was sleeping, the white awoke and when he saw the fox, he cried and fell on the ground but the fox chased him. The white cried and wanted help. The red and black roosters were also afraid of the fox.

The fox was very happy to find a good hunt. The dog heard the crying of the white rooster and rescued the white.

The red and black roosters asked that why the fox did come toward them. the white replied that his white color caused him to be seen from a long distance and he added that while he was escaping from the fox, he hurt his throat too and he could not crow anymore. He was regrated for his bad behavior with the red and black roosters and promised that he would never be proud of his crow and beauty.