Black Bear

Written by: Nassratullah Samim


Once upon a time, there was a big jungle far from a village. A Black Bear with her two kittens, tizak and Pitko were living in that jungle. other animals were also living there.

One day, Black Bear accompanied Tizak with her in order to find some foods and ask Pitko to keep home. They took a basket with them and left their house. After a while, Black Bear saw a tree full of walnuts. They climbed to the tree and collected some walnuts in the basket. Black Bear took some walnut with her and went home to give them to Pitko. After a while, Tizak left the basket hanged on the tree and she also went home. Her mother asked her about the basket. She said that it is in its place on the tree. Her mother asked Tizak and Pitko  to go and bring the walnuts.

While they reached to the tree, they found no basket on the tree. They saw a monkey near the tree and said that she has thrown the basket and walnuts into the stream.

They sadly returned home and shared the issue with their mother and asked her to take revenge from a monkey. Black bear asked them to be patient and went with Pitko to find more foods. They also saw the monkey on the go but showed no reaction.

The monkey thought that they had come to beat her and went to Black Bear’s house, ruined her house and also slapped Tizak.  A dove saw this scene and went to the jungle and shared the issue with Black Bear. Black Bear and Pitko immediately returned home. She saw her ruined home and Tizak was crying. Tizak and Pitko asked her mother that this time she should take revenge from the monkey but her mother said that taking revenge is not the solution of the problem and all three left the home to find some foods. They saw the monkey and said nothing to her. Black Bear went away and left Tizak and Pitko behind. An angry tiger wanted to hunt Tizak and Pitko but monkey shouted and animals of the jungle rescued Tizak and Pitko. They were afraid of tiger and went home. Monkey took a bucket of honey and went to Black Bear’s house. She apologized for what she had done. The monkey became a good friend of Tizak and Pitko. They knew that patient causes friendship and prevent quarrels