social decency in residential blocks

 Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar

People live more in cities than rural areas, because there are all the facilities in the city, and on the other hand, those whose jobs are in the cities, they have to live in the city too and as they do not have private houses in the city, they live in residential blocks. Some of them do not consider social decency and it might cause some problems to the other residents of the apartment houses.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some people about this issue.

Zuhal, a resident of Kabul city says, “We live in an apartment house. some of our neighbors increase the voice of their tv or player that we cannot study our lessons and our patients are more bothered by them and even some juveniles harass us.”

Asif, a resident of Nangarhar province says, “We live in an apartment. Once, one of our neighbors was celebrating a birthday party and they had invited a music band. The party continued till 2 am. We had a patient at home. We wanted our neighbor to consider the decency of the apartment house but they quarreled with us and now we do not talk to each other.”

What do some people think about the causes of such issues?

Asif says, “When I wanted my neighbor to consider decency of residential area, he said that I do not have the right to interfere in others private affairs.”

Wazhma, a resident of Kabul city says, “They do not know the urbanization, they just entered a multi-story building, and they do not know social decency.”
How do some people find solutions to this issue?
Tahmina Bahar says, “We live in a block that 21 other families are living in the same block too. We advised our children not to make noise when going up or down the stairs. If we celebrate an occasion, we do not make noise and wish other neighbors to do the same.”

Waisuddin, a resident of Kohistan district, Kapisa province says, “: We have chosen a representative for our block and we have made regulations for the residents of the block and all the residents have to consider the regulations. If someone disobeys the regulations, the representative of the block talks to him, and if he doesn’t accept, then we complain to the police station.”