Child Sore Throat

Written by: Muhammad Arif Rahimi

Children can be exposed to a variety of throat diseases, such as infections of the tonsils, croup cough, etc., but in this program, AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to several patients and a doctor about the throat sore in children.

A mother says, “My child is suffering from throat sore. He could not eat. If he eats sweets, then he could not breathe easily for about an hour and he also suffers from vomiting and could not talk.”

Majid, a resident of Maidan-Wardak province says, “I am suffering from throat sore. The pain increases when I eat food and also I suffer from headaches and body pain.”

Doctor Sayed Amen Noori, the ear, throat and nose specialist at Indira Gandhi Children’s Hospital in Kabul city says, “Chills or sweating; difficult or painful swallowing; difficulties in breathing; enlarged glands; fever; headache and

Heartburn are the symptoms of throat sore in children.”

What do some people think about the causes of throat sore in a child?

Marina, a resident of Logar province says, “When my child eats sweet or ice cream, he suffers from throat sore."

Jawid Wardak says, “Common cold always causes throat sore in children.”

Doctor Noori says, “Throat sore is caused by a virus or bacteria.

A sore throat caused by a viral infection can have a variety of causes, including the common cold and the flu. Viral infection can be transmitted through droplets coming out of the mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing. This virus could be transferred through the air. Eating contaminated foods; fruits; vegetables, and drinking contaminated water also cause throat sore in child.”

How do people treat this disease at home?

.Shamsia Azizi says, “My small brother was suffering from throat sore. We prepared him a solution of water and salt and he gargled it so many times and we also prevented him from eating sweets and spicy foods but these diets did affect him. Then we took him to the doctor and the doctor prescribed him some medicines and now he is better.”

Parwana, a resident of Balkh province says, “One of my children was suffering from throat sore. I prepared him a solution of water and salt for gargling and I applied Vaseline on his throat and chest and he got better.”

Shugofa, a resident of Kabul city says, “When a child suffers from throat sore, an old woman inters her finger in the child’s throat to pull up his/her throat and some mothers boil cardamom and turmeric in water and give it to the child.”

Doctor Noori says, “Drinking lukewarm milk; hot liquids, tea, and the mixture of salt and water are useful for throat sore but entering finger in the throat increases the pain and it is dangerous for the child and might cause to block the respiratory tract of the child.

They should take care of the cleanliness of the child and take him/her to the doctor for essential treatment.”