Year: 24 Week: 24
Tricky Shopkeeper:
Karim borrows some money from his friends and wants to give to Purdil. Shaperai afraid that Purdil might deceive him but Karim insists that he is an honest man.
Karim goes to his uncle, Sayed Mohammad and asks to pay him some money to start his new business. Sayed promises to pay him money but adds that he has a bad experience of business partnership.
Karim gives the money to Purdil and shares his concern about losing the money. Purdil convinces him that they would get more benefits very soon.
Fasting and Health:
At midnight, Gulalai hears knocking on the gate of the fort and she awakens her husband, Sarwar Khan. Sarwar Khan wants to go and opens the gate. Gulalai wants to accompany him to the gate.
When they open the gate, Gul Mohammad says his father, Sayed Mohammad complaints from stomach ache.
Gulalai goes with him and visits Sayed Mohammad. She asks what he has eaten during Iftar. His wife, Pari Gul says that he has eaten Bolani, pickle and cold water.
Gulalai says that she would send him some fleawort(Spaghol) and asks him to go to the clinic in the morning.
When Sayed Mohammad goes to the clinic, doctor visits him and says that he has eaten too much pickle at Iftar.