The Early Symptoms of Coronavirus

 Written by: Wahida Sabir

The coronavirus cases are increasing in Afghanistan in the cold weather every day and some people do not consider this disease seriously. If someone has the primary signs and symptoms of coronavirus, and if he/she does not take it seriously, he/she might face some crucial health problems and would cause others to be infected with the coronavirus too.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some people and a physician about this issue.

Zarmena, a resident of Paktia province says, “My brother was suffering from flue and throat ache and we did take it seriously and his disease spread to all of the members of our family and later we understood that it was coronavirus. When I got it, I was suffering from a severe fever and body pain and it last about 16 days. Blood was coming from my mouth when I was coughing.”

Muhammad, a resident of Samangan province says, “I was a worker and I came back with some other Afghans from Iran. The other workers were infected with coronavirus and this virus transferred to me too. When I went home, I transferred it to my sister and she died of this disease.”

Doctor Sayed Adil Niromand, a specialist of infectious diseases says, “If a coronavirus patient who has the first signs and symptoms of this disease, which are headache, fever, cough, sneezing, losing the senses of taste and smell, does not quarantine himself/himself, and stay in the community, he will transfer the disease to others and those who are suffering from diabetes and heart diseases, might face serious problems including losing their lives.”

What do some people think about the causes of transferring coronavirus to others?

Razia says, “I was suffering from coronavirus and I was cooking foods for my family and we were eating together and we did consider quarantine seriously and all of our family members infected with the coronavirus.”

Zarmena says, “My brother was infected with coronavirus and was preparing him foods and I was living with him in the same room this issue caused me to transfer the coronavirus to m and I transferred it to the other members of our family.”

Doctor Niromad says, “As coronavirus is a respiratory disease and it is transmitted through coughing and sneezing, and it could be transferred from the handshake and other objects and surfaces easily that the coronavirus patient has touch with them.”

How people prevent the spreading of coronavirus?

Mina, a resident of Nangarhar province says, “When I sensed fever and pain, I went to the doctor immediately and they checked my blood. The doctor diagnosed that I have gotten coronavirus and he recommended me to stay away from others. I quarantined myself and my virus did not transfer to others.”

Zarifa, a teacher at one of the private schools in Kabul city says, “According to the guidance of the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan, if any of the students suffers from fever, flue or coughing, we send her/him to the hospital for checking her/his coronavirus. If her/his blood exam is positive, we recommend her/him to stay at home.”