Taking Care of Coronavirus Patients

Written by: Muhammad Nasir Sirat

Covid19 is a contagious disease that its virus is easily spread among healthy people. Fever, fatigue, dry cough, shortness of breath are the most common symptoms of this disease. Some patients may have other symptoms such as pain, nasal congestion, sore throat, and diarrhea. If we do not treat the coronavirus patients properly, what problems will the patients and their families face?

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some such patients and a physician about this issue.

Khan, a resident of Baghlan province says, “When I infected with coronavirus, my family members blamed me that I transferred coronavirus to my home. Our relatives and my friends were cursing me and this issue caused anxious me and my family and as a result, my family members infected with coronavirus too.”

Firoza, a resident of Ghorband district, Parwan province says, “When I was not treated properly, I was tired and hopeless, and I thought that my disease is dangerous and it would cause my death.”

Doctor Faridullah Omari, an infectious disease specialist says, “Improper behavior with coronavirus patients causes them anxiety, mental distress, and this causes patients to experience anorexia. When the patient has no appetite, he/she becomes weaker and his/her disease increases and causes problems to the patient’s family, and could even cause the progress of the disease and might face the patient with death.”

What do people think about the causes of this issue?

Ms. Nazanin Fatihzadah says, “As coronavirus is a contagious and dangerous disease, due to this issue, the family members are afraid that they might infect with this virus, and they hate coronavirus patients.”

Zmarai, a resident of Kabul province says, “As people heard that coronavirus is fatal, therefore some people hate coronavirus patients and some people are irresponsible toward such patients.”

Doctor Faridullah Omari says, “Coronavirus disease has been more advertised and the awareness level of the people is low so that they are afraid that if they get near to the coronavirus patient, they might also infect with this virus.”

How people console patients and take care of their needs?

Shahzadah, a resident of Dawlatshah district, Balkh province says, “I take care of the patient’s foods and give more fluids, and fruits that are useful, such as lemons, oranges, kiwis, etc., which cause the patient to get better.”

Doctor Omari says, “Those who are infected with this disease, their dishes and rooms should be separated, they should observe the health tips, they should wear masks, give them fresh fruits and notorious foods and they should prepare all their necessities. The patients will get well soon and their disease will not progress and his family will also be safe.”