Year:24 Week: 23
Sayed Mohammad buys some pickle and chutney for Iftar and meets Samandar.
Samandar advises him to have some dates with a little water instead of pickle and chutney.
After the Isha prayers, Sayed Mohammad says to Baba Aslam that he has some stomach ache. Baba Aslam tells him that he must go to the clinic.
Family Care for Pregnant Women
Rahim asks her mother, Rabia Gul to change her behavior with Shaperai because she is pregnant.
Rabia Gul accuses him to flattery.
Hamida wants to go to Shaperai’s house to help her with the laundry. Gulalai appreciates her feeling to help a woman during pregnancy.
Tricky Shopkeeper:
Rabia Gul asks her son, Naseem to pay Karim’s wages. Naseem denies and says that Karim has not taken part in shoe making. Rabia Gul persists on her saying and Naseem accepts but adds that he is worried that Karim might lose the money in this deal.
Karim goes to Naseem’s shop for receiving his wages. Naseem pays him an amount of money and asks him to be careful about starting work with Purdil.