Year: 24 Week: 22
Family Care for Pregnant Women:
Shahperai says to Atifa that Rabia Gul, her mother-in-law, ruins her life. She says that the other day Rabia Gul accused her by stealing eggs from home.
Atifa convinces her to share the issue with Rahim, Rabia Gul’s elder son and he would talk to her to find a solution to the issue.
Tricky Shopkeeper:
Karim meets his old friend, Purdil in a shop in the market of the district. Purdil becomes happy to meet him after a long time. Karim asks him about the lack of materials in the shop. Purdil says that he knows how to earn more money, but he doesn’t have enough budget at the moment.
He asks Karim if he could find some money, he would like to give him a share in his shop.
Karim wants his wages from his brother, Naseem. Naseem says that there is no need to pay him because they are brothers and live together in one house. Karim insists on getting his wages.
When Karim goes back to Purdil’s shop, Purdil says if he could not prepare money soon, he would find another person to give him a share in his shop. Karim asks to wait for two days more.
It is the time of Iftar (breaking fast in the evening). Sayed Mohammad and Parigul are eating their dinner. Sayed Mohammad drinks a glass of water and asks for more. Parigul prevents him from drinking more water in Iftar, because it might cause some illness. She suggests him drinking some tea after dinner.