Year: 24 Week: 20
Human Rights
Jandad invites Akbar’s family. Zarmina blames him for preparing varieties of foods. Jandad says that invitation replaces hatred to sincerity.
Omid says that his classmates decided to go to a hill for picnic. Zarghona says that their father should take them to picnic too.
Family Responsibilities for Pregnant Women
Hamida visits Shapirai while collecting vegetable on the lands. Shaperai says that she wants to cook Bolani from vegetable.
Hamida asks her about the Bolani she had brought to her and gave it to Rabia Gul.
Shapirai knows nothing about it. When Shapirai shares the issue with her husband, Jandad, he recommends that she could cook for herself anything she wants.
Karim takes wheat to Baba Aslam’s mill. He seems very happy and says to Baba Aslam that, he is going to be a father after a long time.