Doing the Job Well

 Written by: Husamuddin Hamdard

Doing the job well could not only increase customers in the area but it also could cause to find customers in neighboring provinces too.

 AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to a mechanic, Emal in Jalalabad city, Nangarhar province.

Emal talks about his work, “I have opened a car repairing workshop about 17 years ago. My customers are from Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar and Kabul provinces. As I do my job honestly, and customers are satisfied with my work, they tell about my work to other car owners and the number of customers increases day by day. Our net daily income reaches about 3000 Afghanis. I financially support my family and also my brothers and all of them have master's degrees.”

Elegance at Work:

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Muhammad Fahim, a resident of Kabul city.

Fahim says about his business, “I started my work about 20 years ago and I make signboards, gate signboards, wooden keychains and letters of appreciation. The important point in making signboards are paying attention to the elegancy of the items. At the beginning, we have to prepare different kinds of signboards by hand but later we take the benefit of computers and machines. The price of one item differs from the other. For example, we spend about 1300 Afghanis on making one signboard and we sell it for 1500 Afghanis. We do our job according to the orders of the customers.”