Absent Teachers and the Responsibility of the Society

  Written by: Naqib Ahmad Azizi

Schools’ administrations apply the curriculum by the teachers during the education year but some teachers’ absence badly affects on students’ education.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some students and their parents about this issue.

Tour Khan, a resident of Tagab district, Kapisa province says: “My nephew is an eighth-grade student. He only can write his name and his father but he cannot read the school books. Some students who are graduated from the school of our district, they could not pass the university entry exam untill they study in education courses in Kabul city. When we ask them about their laziness, they complain from their teachers' absence.”

Hikmatullah, a resident of Jalalabad city, Nangarhar province says: “Our teacher was always absent in the class, even in the exam days. I could not learn reading and writing. Therefore I discharged myself from school when I was a fourth-grade student.”

What do people think about the causes of teachers’ absence?

Tour Khan says: “The first cause of teachers’ absence is the lack of management in the schools and the second cause refers to students’ families that they do not complain to the school administration about this issue.”

Weeda, a mother of four schoolchildren, a resident of Logar province says: “I think that nepotism causes teachers’ absence. I know some schools administrations that they have hired their relatives as teachers and I think some of these teachers abuse their authority. They do not attend the school regularly and the school administration do not make them absent.”

What is the responsibility of the students, their families and the school administration regarding this issue?

A student, Noor Muhammad, a resident of Paktika province says: “My brother always asks about my daily lessons and he also asks me about the absence of my teachers in the class. If there is an issue, he shares it with the education committee of the school.”

Weeda says: “My children go to school regularly and they do not have any trouble in their school lessons. I always go to school and ask about my children’s and their teachers’ absence. One of my children is a fourth-grade student. He complained that two of his teachers were not attending school. I shared the issue with the school administration and they solved that problem.”