The Preventive Maintenance You Need to Do On Your Car

Written by: Naqweeb Ahmad Azizi

To save time and reduce the danger, every driver should know at least the primary techniques of a vehicle but in Afghanistan, some drivers even could not repair a minor problem of a vehicle and so that they face problems.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some people about this issue.

Rahmat Rahmani, a resident of Paktia province says: “One winter night I was traveling from Kabul to Paktia province with my family. My car got punctured on the way and I could not even change its tire. I kept the engine of the car started the whole night to keep the heater on and I had spent almost the whole fuel and I was awake all night.”

Suhaila, a resident of Logar province says: “one day I was traveling from Jalalabad to Kabul with my father and my family members. It was late in the afternoon. Our automobile faced some technical problems and there was no workshop near to us to repair it and my father was not aware of the car primary techniques. We spent more than 5 hours in a desert and we were afraid of thieves too.”

How could people learn vehicle techniques?

Hanzala, a resident of Laghman province says: “my brother is a driver and I have learned the primary technology of car from him. I could change the tire and replace the engine oil.”

Noorullah, a taxi driver in Kabul city says: “at the beginning, I was not aware of any fault of the car. Whenever my car was facing some problems, the mechanic was repairing it and I was carefully watching what he was doing and in a short time, I learned some tips of car repairing from him.”

 Sardar Muhammad, a driving course instructor, Kabul city says: “we explain the parts of the engine to our students during their learning and they could learn the primary technics of the vehicle repairing and they could solve the simple problems of the car.”