Year: 26 Week: 24

Episode: 3943

Scene: 19715

Qambargul and his wife, Hameeda are talking to each other. Hameeda says that she wants to go to her job. Qambargul says that he would not allow her but Hameeda says that she would not sit silent.

Scene: 19716

Raheem Daad says to Gulkhan that Allah Daad has not come home for three days.

Gulkhan promises that if he visits him anywhere, he would inform Raheem Daad.

Scene: 19717

Shahperai is pregnant and says to her mother-in-law, Rabiagul that she could not go to the spring to bring water. Rabiagul becomes angry and wants her to take the pitcher and brings water from the spring.

Scene: 19718

Nazir is dropping apricot with a shovel upon the ground in Sarwar Khan’s garden. Raheem Daad says that all the apricots are spoiled but Nazir rejects and says that the apricots are not spoiled but they are too ripe and he wants to dry them.

Scene: 1971919720

Hameeda calls to Gulalai and asks her to come once to her home. Gulalai asks the reason. Hameeda cries and turns off her mobile phone.

Episode: 3944

Scene: 19720

Gulalai goes to Akbar’s house and asks Hameeda about her problem.

Hameeda says that Akbar and Qambargul prevent her from the job. Gulalai promises that she would share the issue with Sarwar Khan.

Scene: 19721

Gulkhan picks Shikeba from the university to home. Gulkhan sees a boy and stops his car. Shikeba asks the reason. Gulkhan says that he thought that the boy on the street is Allah Daad.

Scene: 19722

Shahperai becomes unconscious during picking up her pitcher from the ground near the spring. Gulmakai stakes her to Karim’s house. Rabiagul asks her the reason for Shaperai’s illness. Gulmakai tells her the whole story.

Scene: 19723

Samiullah wants to collect apricots from a tree in his garden. Nazir prevents him and says that he has spread all apricots in the sun to get dried.

Scene: 19724

Sarwar Khan calls Qambargul to come to his garden. Qambargul asks the reason. Sarwar Khan warns him to change his behavior with Hameeda, otherwise, he would take the revenge.

Episode: 3944

Scene: 19725

Qambargul breaks Hameeda’s mobile phone. Hameeda is weeping and asks the reason.

Qambargul says that he wants to prevent Hameeda from complaining to everyone through mobile phone.

Scene: 19726

Kareem is collecting apples from a tree. Abida prevents him from picking up raw apples.

Kareem says that his wife, Shahperai asked him to find some raw apples.


Samiullah goes back home and looks angry. Gulkhan asks the reason.

Samiullah says that Nazir prevented him to collect apricots.

Scene: 19728

Hameeda asks Shikeba that why she doesn’t have mercy on Allah Daad.

Shikeba says that she is kind to Allah Daad but she could not do anything for him.

Scene: 19729

Palwasha brings tea to Sarwar Khan. Sarwar Khan warns Palwasha not to face with him anymore. Palwasha asks the reason. Sarwar Khan recalls about the improper behavior of Akbar’s family with Hameeda.