َA Roaring Sea on the School’s Way

Written by: Asma Kakar

Mahmood and Soraya were brother and sister. They were always going to school together. One-day, Soraya came home from school. She was scared and her skin was pale and she called her mother. When her mother saw Mahmood’s school’s bag with her, she asked about Mahmood.

Soraya was stuttering and said that the flood swept him away. Soraya and her mother were crying and they went toward the sea but they saw no sign of Mahmood.

Meanwhile, a stranger came and asked Mahmood’s mother if the boy swept away by the flood was her son. Mahmood’s mother replied yes.

The stranger said that when he saw a boy in the sea, he rescued him and took him to the hospital.

Soraya and her mother went to the hospital with the stranger but the doctor did not allow them to visit Mahmood and said that the physicians are trying to bring water out from his lungs. The doctor added that if the stranger was not there, no one was there to save Mahmood’s life.

Soraya’s mother asked about the event from Soraya. Soraya says that a sea is flowing along their way to school and every day they cross the bridge upon the sea and that day, they also crossed the bridge. Soraya added that Mahmood remembered that he had forgotten his notebook at home, he gave his bag to me and he went toward home. I heard the crying of Mahmood and I saw that the flood was sweeping him away and I could not help him.

Soraya’s talking was not ended that the doctor came and told them that Mahmood has come to his sense. Mahmood’s mother and sister became happy and the doctor took them into the emergency room. They saw that Mahmood had opened his eyes and he said to his mother that when he was going back home, he entered into the sea but the water was more than usual and he could not pass the sea and the water swept him away. He promised that he would never make any mistake again. That doctor said the water in the sea varies in different seasons. In the spring, the water becomes more because of steady raining and melting snow of the mountains.

Mahmood’s mother thanked the stranger and the physician for saving her son’s life.