The importance of Attendance

     Written by: Wajiha Sayar

Assad wants to go to the castle. His sister, Benafsha also insists to go with him but Assad prevents her and says that it is her school time. Palwasha does not accept. When they reach to the yard of the castle, Lalo Mama welcomes them and take them into inside the castle.

Lalo Mama asks Palwasha that why she has not gone to school today. Palwasha says that one- or two-days absence makes no difference but Lalo Mama says that absence without any reason might create some problems. Palwasha asks about the problems. Lalo Mama opens a window for her information.


In the window, the reporter of the castle says that 75% attendance is compulsory to school in an education year, otherwise the student would not be able to take the exam.

Then the reporter talks to some students about this issue.

Khursheed, a sixth-grade student of Abdullah Ibn Omar girls’ school, Paghman district, Kabul province says: “Due to my more absence at school, I failed in two subjects.”

Shabana, another six-grade student says: “when I do not go to school, I face many problems in my school lessons. One day, I was absent in my Dari language subject and when the exam days arrived, I could not answer the questions correctly and unfortunately, I failed in Dari language subject.”

Benafsha says that she also has faced the same problems.

Assad says the absence could cause the student to be suspended from school and the student would lose his/her one education year.

Benafsha asks about the importance of presence at school.

Lalo Mama opens another window for their more information.


In the window, the reporter of the castle says that the students who are always present in their classes, would always be succeeded and could take part in any kind competition. The reporter talks to some other students about the advantages of presence at school.

Malika says: “presence at school is very important for me. When there are more than one student get the first position, the school administration checks their attendance sheet and the one who has less absence at school, would get the first position.”

Another student, Sediqa says: “present at school is very important. Now I am at the fourth position and I want to get the first position next year, therefore, I am always present at school and I has not missed any class yet.

My presence at school helped me to learn my lessons well from my teachers; I do my homework regularly; I always participate in class discussion and I always get high scores in the exams.”

Lalo Mama closes this window too.

Benafsha promises that she would never miss any class without any reason.

Lalo Mama appreciates them.