
By: Mustafa Akbari

Aasia was the only daughter of a merchant. her father loved her very much and had been bringing her any kind of toys and variety of dresses, but Aasia was never happy and nor had good appetite.

The merchant announced a big prize for those, who could make his daughter happy. Anyone had been trying to bring laugh on the lips of Aasia, but none was able to do so.

One day Aasia wrapped herself in a veil and went to a market to buy some groceries. The shopkeeper understood her and informed others of her coming. Many people gathered in a minute and were trying to make her happy by telling jokes, but Aasia left the place angrily.

On the way to her home, she met a beggar boy, Assad who asked her for something. Aasia thought that he would also be one those, who wants to make her happy. She did not pay any attention and went home.

Overnight, she was thinking whether Assad was a beggar or not. Next day she went again to the market and saw Assad was setting at the same place. She bought him a loaf of bread. He ate half of it and took the other half with him and went home. Aasia chased him. He gave the other half of bread to his mother and small sister. His mother said, if he would not have brought the bread, they would have been starving.

Aasia became very sad and returned home. Her father gave her a nice doll, but Aasia was unhappy. She asked her father to go with her to Assad’s house. They took some foods and went there. Aasia gave the food to Assad’s mother and she also ate with them. Aasia was very happy to see the happiness of Assad’s family. When the merchant saw her daughter happy, he promised to build a house for Assad’ mother and would find a good job for Assad. He knew that the ones happiness is in the happiness of others.