Hepatitis B and Food

By: Wahida Sabir

Hepatitis B is one of the types of jaundice which could be easily transfer to a healthy person.

According to the information, provided by officials of Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kabul, about 10-12 persons, infected with hepatitis B, refer for treatment every month only to this hospital.

Writer/ producer of AEPO has talked to some patients infected with hepatitis B virus.

Monochehr, a resident of Pul-e-Khumri, district of Baghlan province says:

‘I have hepatitis B and suffer from Alzheimer, anger, body ache and swelling of me foots.”

Physicians say that there is no sign of hepatitis B seen at the earlier stage, which is called subtraction period, but later, when the virus starts its activities, the signs of the illness could be seen.

Yellowness of body and eyes are the primary signs of hepatitis B and in addition, nausea, loss of appetite, malaise, diarrhea and sometimes constipation, insomnia, yellowing of urine and pain in the right ventricle due to enlargement of the liver are the other sings of hepatitis B.

Fried foods such as chips, burgers, rice, carbonated drinks and eggs are harmful to patients affected by hepatitis B.

 Vegetables and fresh fruits rich in fiber are very beneficent for such patients, but consulting a doctor is very necessary for them.