‌‌‌Barrowed Books

  Written by: Najia Nijat

Basheer and Baseera go to the castle and see that Lalo Mama is studying book near the heater. They greet him. Lalo Mama welcomes them.

Lalo Mama asks  Baseera that why she is upset. Basira says that one of her classmates asked her a question that was not in her school’s books and she was not able to answer it. Baseera adds that one of her friends answered the question and all the girls laughed at her and she quarreled with them.

Lalo Mama says that every person has to study in free time because studying books, increases his/her information and then he opens a window for his guests.


In the window, Samira has invited her friends to her house. Farida thanks Samira for the invitation because she is always bored at home.

Sameera says that they would play a game and Farida would forget her weariness. Farida asks her to start the game.

Muska asks Farida that who is the first Afghan astronaut. Farida says that she has not studied about him in her school books. Sameera says that Abdul Ahad Momand was the first Afghan astronaut. Then Sameera asks Farida that what is the name of first Pashto Novel. Farida says that it would be better not to ask any question out of the school books. All girls are laughing on Farida.

Lalo Mama closes the window. Baseera says that Farida also felt embarrassed like her. Lalo Mama says that the other girls had studied books and then he opens another window for their information.


In the window, the reporter of the castle is talking with some girls about  extra study.

Rona, a sixth-grade student, a resident of Kunar province says: “I borrow books from my friends in the winter and after studying, I give them and if I have any book, I give it to them. At the beginning, I could not even read a book and nor could explain the daily lessons in front of the class but studying books improved my knowledge and I even take part in class discussion without any fear.”

Nargis, a resident of Kabul city says: “I was always feeling sad in the winter. Once one of my friends gave me a book. After studying that book, I forgot my depression and continued to study books. I always borrow books from my friends during winter vacations. I have learned many kinds cuisines from the books. I realized that the book is a real friend.”

Lalo Mama closes this window too.

Baseer says that he has read in a magazine that study keeps the minds alive and keep depression away.

Baseera promises that she would also study books in the winter vacation.