The Exchange Marriage in Afghanistan


Written by: Mir Aqa Etibar

From ancient time, exchange marriage is common in some provinces of Afghanistan. This kind of marriage creates some problems between the two families who exchange their daughters.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked about this issue to some people in different parts of Afghanistan.

Frishta, a resident of Takhar province says: “one of our neighbors exchanged her daughter for her son. While one family buy anything to their bride, they want the other family to buy the same thing to their daughter too and sometimes a quarrel takes place between these two families on a minor issue.”

Aisha, a resident of Parwan province says: “one of my relatives exchanged her daughter for his son, and they hold the engagement ceremony in a hotel. After three years, the boy canceled his engagement, and when his sister got aware of the case, she also canceled her engagement too.”

What do people think about the causes of the exchange marriage?

Tamana, a resident of Panjshir Province says: “my husband had loved a girl and he sent his mother for proposing her for him. The girl’s family wanted my mother-in-law that they want to exchange the girl for their son. My husband accepted to exchange her sister for himself.”

Frishta says: “bad economic conditions causes some families to exchange their daughters because the expenses of exchange marriage are half of the ordinary marriage.”

How could family and people get f rid of from  the exchange marriages?

Ahmad Zia, a resident of Kandahar province says: “my aunt proposed my sister for his son and she wanted to exchange her daughter for my brother but I denied because if I exchange my sister, and if my sister faces some problems, we must create more problems for my brother’s wife and this is injustice, therefore I denied the exchange marriage.”

What do Islamic regulations say about the exchange marriage?

Mustafa Hamas, a professor in one of the private universities in Kabul city says: “according to Islamic law, exchange marriage is not allowed, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has forbidden such marriages to Muslims. If the parents force their daughters or their sons to such marriages, they are disobeying the Quran verses, and have acted contrary to the tradition of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”