Spending accordance with Income

  Written by: Hesamuddin Hamdard


Every businessman has expenses and he/she should calculate his/her income and then could spend the money according to his/her income otherwise such people would not succeed in their works.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to a businessman who failed in his business.

Salem, a resident of Paghman district of Kabul province says: “I had spare parts shop in Mirwais Maidan, Kabul city about eight years ago. I started work with 200 thousand Afghanis. My daily income was about 2000 Afghanis. I was spending money without any calculation. The price of items was going higher day by day and I had been preparing items of my fund. In the result, only 50 thousand Afghanis left from 200 thousand and I had to close my shop.”

There are some other people who have a small amount of money but as they have a regular working plan, they are succeeded in their business.

Muhammad Sabir, a shopkeeper in Kabul city says: “having a timetable, calculating sale and purchase, good attitude with customers, less benefit and more sale, spending in accordance with income and patient during selling are the key elements of success in economic works.

I open my shop early in the morning and close late in the evening and this also causes me to have more benefit than other shopkeepers.

The shopkeepers should prepare the items for their shops at an appropriate price.

they should calculate their daily sale and net benefit and then they should spend an amount from the income for home necessities and then they could add the remainder to their income.”


Women Role in Exhibition:

Each exhibition plays a positive role in the introducing of products and causes to increase the number of customers.

Fatana Bayat is a woman who was selling her homemade products in one of the exhibitions in Kabul city. AEPO writer/producer has talked to her about her activities.

Ms. Bayat says: “I have exhibited needle works, homemade pickles, jam, honey and Khajor (special Afghani cookies). My main aim is to keep alive needle works and introduce Afghan women’s homemade products to people and show them that homemade products are better and cheaper than the exported ones.

I have opened a short-term course to women and they learn how to prepare jam, pickles, and Khajor and also, they learn needle works in the course too.

I have visited some store owners and signed some contract with them here in the exhibition.”